Prong 3 Fail
Since a Prong 3 international Cast of
Characters was introduced in July, 2016 and despite hints
in October, 2016 that the ancient
Sumerians were right, the Prong approach seemed to have
stalled and died. In early January, 2017 author David
Meade was pushing for book sales, predicting a Nibiru
passage by October of 2017. By March, 2017 the Prong
Wars were palpable, NASA encouraging the public to look
out into dark space, rather than at the Sun. If everything was
on hold until Trump could be securely installed in the White
House, that day has long since passed. What went wrong?

ZetaTalk Prediction
4/1/2017: When
Obama failed to announce the presence of Nibiru by the Fall of
2015, we stated that the Council
of Worlds would arrange for the common man to learn of
the nearby presence of Nibiru and the approaching time of the
passage by one means or another. The multi-prong’d approach
ensued during 2016, but after arriving at Prong 3, with all
the pieces in place for a “discovery” of Nibiru, it stalled.
Even with Trump in the White House and the Clinton criminal
cabal under arrest, even with ISIS under siege, the moment
when the establishment feels they are ready for the riots that
will surely come if Nibiru is admitted never arrives.
Without an admission at some
point from the US, an
announcement would not be believed. The cover-up was due to
Reagan’s Executive Orders, and this must be admitted and
retracted. Meanwhile Trump’s approval ratings plummet, lies
about Russia continue in the media, and things keep getting
worse. This is unlikely to change. Since all the astronomers
involved in the Prongs are under constraints, how then will
the announcement proceed? The best way to describe this is to
say that a threshold will be reached, at which point there
will be an essential announcement.

At the same time,
establishment characters such as the Trump administration will
push Nancy forth for much more coverage in the media. They
want this because they want to break the cover-up over the
alien presence at the same time they break the cover-up over
Nibiru. How else to explain the astonishing accuracy of
ZetaTalk except to say that aliens are here and empowering
mankind with knowledge. Their feeling is that if benign aliens
can have more contact with people, there will be more open
assistance to people.
It was hoped that Obama would step forth and make the
announcement, and it has been hoped by some that Trump would
step up and do this. Many have hoped that Putin would fill that
void, or perhaps Xi, as both Russia and China were partners with
Obama in this regard. But Trump has been continuously under
siege by the Hillary claimants and fake news such as CNN and
NBC, and until he is vindicated and in a stronger position he
could not take that risk. Both Russia and China need the US to
acknowledge the cover-up started with Reagan. So will nothing
emerge from the political leaders of the world? Climate Change,
and the lies about Global Warming, is a good start.

- Trump to Sign New Order Rolling Back
Obama Energy Regs
March 28, 2017
- Moving forward with a campaign
pledge to unravel former President Obama's sweeping plan
to curb global warming, President Trump is set to sign an
executive order that will suspend, rescind or flag for
review more than a half-dozen measures in an effort to
boost domestic energy production in the form of fossil
fuels. Trump, who has called global warming a "hoax"
invented by the Chinese, has repeatedly criticized the
power-plant rule and others as an attack on American
workers and the struggling U.S. coal industry.
- Climate Changeable
September 28, 2016
- Trump’s current position, as
clarified by his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, in a
27 September 2016 interview with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, is
that climate change exists but is “naturally occurring.”

- Putin says Climate Change not Caused
by Emissions
March 30, 2017
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
on Thursday said climate change was unstoppable and not
caused by human activity as he urged countries to adapt to
global warming. Putin claimed that icebergs had been
melting for decades and suggested that global warming was
not mankind's fault. "The warming, it had already started
by the 1930s," Putin said. "That's when there were no such
anthropological factors, such emissions, and the warming
had already started." The Kremlin strongman added: "The
issue is not stopping it... because that's impossible,
since it could be tied to some global cycles on Earth or
even of planetary significance. The issue is to somehow
adapt to it." Russia is warming at twice the rate of the
rest of the world, according to government data.
So what will an essential announcement by increasing Earth
changes and visibility look like? Each country will be a different
story. Per the Zetas, the cities will be the worst,
experiencing starvation and rioting. The governments will have
no choice but to impose Martial Law to control rioting and
cannibalism and thus will impose Forced

ZetaTalk Comment
10/4/2014: Hong
Kong, as with New York City or London, has a massive
population almost completely divorced from farming skills and
knowledge. What to do with these citizens? Told to march into
the fields and pick up a hoe, to eat bugs and tasteless
vegetables when they are used to cuisine, they will argue and
fuss. Their governments have few choices. Forced labor camps
is one solution, and forced labor camps imply Martial Law.
Another alternative is to blockade exit from the cities until
the citizenry starves, resorts to cannibalism, and dies off.
When watching the incremental march toward Martial Law,
consider what choices the establishment has. They are few!
Looking at Venezuela as a Case Study,
showing what can happen in a society where social services have
been provided but are suddenly lost, we saw by mid-2016 that
empty shelves and riots had already started. The oil price wars
reduced their income. Since then, matters have worsened. What
Venezuela is doing now, a steady march toward dictatorship and
Martial Law, will happen elsewhere too.

- Venezuela Muzzles Legislature, Moving
Closer to One-Man Rule
March 30, 2017
- Venezuela took its strongest step
yet toward one-man rule under the leftist President
Nicolás Maduro as his loyalists on the Supreme Court
seized power from the National Assembly.
- Venezuela Lurches toward Dictatorship
as Top Court Seizes Power
March 30, 2017
- Venezuela slid closer toward
dictatorship after the country’s Supreme Court gutted the
only opposition-run institution -- the Congress -- seizing
its powers and declaring the elected body invalid. As the
once-wealthy oil power descends into a chaos of hunger and
crime, however, it remained far from clear whether the
increasingly despondent population will view the court’s
move as a genuine turning point or just another step in
the nation’s bottoming out toward hopelessness.
- Back from the Brink? Venezuela
Reverses its Congressional ‘Coup’
April 1, 2017
- Venezuela’s Supreme Court
Saturday reversed a controversial decision that stripped
congress of all its powers, as international pressure had
been building against the socialist administration. El
Universal newspaper reported that the court had published
two “clarifications” including one that said that the
National Assembly will maintain its legislative functions.
The charismatic Chavez had died, and his replacement did not
have his charisma. Thus once again, Venezuela is a Case Study.
Will this start up elsewhere around the world? And if this is
the case now, before any kind of an official admission that
Nibiru exists, then what will occur when this is openly
discussed among the common man?

ZetaTalk Prediction
4/1/2017: Over
half the world is already learning the truth from their alien
contacts. They know the establishment has been lying to them.
Add to this the increasing visibility of Nibiru and its tail
components. Bright orbs here and there around the Sun, red
dust and smog, EMP, debris raining down, the wobble producing
sunrise and sunset where the Sun is out of place, and the
earthquakes and high tides that just keep getting worse. At
some point, demands for the truth, crowds forming holding up
placards, work stoppage, and marches verging on riots break
Any country that’s thinking
of martial law will likely institute martial law. Because now
has come the time when it can no longer be denied, basically
because people can see it, the visibility will increase to
that degree. Then what? Then people will begin to leave their
jobs, leave their homes and mortgages, go to safe places. It
is an essential announcement only because it has become
undeniable. The martial law advocates are saying they must
inform people in order to get them into safe camps and not
just have rioting. Direct the energy, in other words.
Meanwhile, the people in Venezuela are dealing with starvation
and a cash shortage. Crime is on the increase, and the people
are turning on their elected leadership. The Zetas were asked at
the start of the ZetaTalk saga how the world as people know it
will change over time, what they can expect. The reply was that
life will go on as today for as long as possible, until it is
obvious to the public that they have been misled, the leadership
having failed them. Just where and what way the status quo
crumbles is unknown, but Venezuela is clearly a case study in
that regard.

- Ranks of Political Prisoners Grow as
Democracy Ebbs in Venezuela
March 31, 2017
- Venezuela’s president was being
chased by a crowd screaming of hunger, banging on pots and
pans. The mob cornering Mr. Maduro was a shock in
Venezuela — anger in food lines and even riots were a
familiar sight, but no one had ever ambushed the president
that way.
- Venezuela says Murders Soared to 60
per Day in 2016
March 31, 2017
- Venezuela's murder rate rose to
an average 60 per day last year, up from about 45 per day
in 2015. Violent crime is one of the most pervasive
anxieties for Venezuelans, especially in poor slums
dominated by gangs and rife with guns.
ZetaTalk Prediction
10/15/1998: Many
humans, when observing rapid changes in the weather or in
satellite reception are concerned that the coming cataclysms
will likewise produce rapid societal disruption well before
the week of the pole shift. They worry about how to anticipate
these changes, not only the ones ensuing from nature but also
from a more unpredictable source - human society. Will the
banks collapse? Will the grocery shelves be bare? Will the
militia march down the streets of their peaceful neighborhood?
What should they be braced for?
There is unlikely to be violent, rapid changes until it is
close to the time when it will be quite clear to all of
mankind that their world, as they know it, is not going to
continue beyond the next few weeks or months. Humankind,
wishes to believe that the future will be as the past has been
- predictable, Sun rising, crops drawn in, occasional floods,
occasional droughts, unpredictable health problems such as
cancer and heart attack, babies being born, and the renewal of
life. They cling to this. Until it is absolutely clear that
this will not continue, human society will not collapse. They
will cling to the belief that this will continue because the
heart wants to believe this.
What about the nervous elite? We know they are preparing for bunker living, and expect to emerge
after the Pole Shift intact and again in charge. It is no secret
that they are plotting how to escape
from Manhattan Island by boat. These things have been in
the news! But what about inland cities? In the event that an
inland city suffers earthquakes and the consequent rioting, what
to do? An incident in Atlanta, Georgia, where the super highways
that flow to where the wealthy live North of Atlanta was taken
down by a very curious fire, shows their thinking. They are
starting to sculpt migration routes! Having lived in Atlanta, I
know that Newt Gingrich’s 6th District, North of Atlanta in the
Roswell section between I-400 and I-85, would be vulnerable
during a rush to leave the city.

- Atlanta I-85 Fire
March 30, 2017
- An elevated section of northbound
Interstate 85, a major north-south artery for the
Southeast, collapsed in Atlanta after a massive fire. All
five lanes of the highway in each direction were blocked
and will be closed for the foreseeable future. An
estimated 250,000 vehicles drive daily through that
stretch of I-85.
- Atlanta I-85 Bombing
April 4, 2017
- The federally published fire
codes and ratings undeniably prove it could not have
happened any other way!
- I-85 Collapse: Three Arrested after
Major Fire under Atlanta Highway
April 1, 2017
- A man has been arrested on
suspicion of intentionally setting a huge fire that
brought down part of an elevated interstate highway in
Atlanta, a collapse that is expected to complicate traffic
for months in one of the nation's most congested cities.
ZetaTalk Comment
4/8/2017: Are
the elite nervous? Evidence of Nibiru’s presence is abundant –
increasing earthquakes and moaning from distressed rock, EMP
disrupting mankind’s electronics, the wobble causing a
wandering Sun and unpredictable weather. What is likely to
happen soon, in the Atlanta area, is a New Madrid earthquake
that will panic the residents of Atlanta, who will flee the
city. As is known for the Atlanta area, the poor live to the
South but the wealthy enclaves are in the Roswell area
directly to the North. Is this migration sculpting?
Absolutely, and since this worked so well, it will be followed
by similar route sculpting in other cities.
The Helping Hand
A small gesture can make an immense difference in someone
else’s life. A helping hand can pull someone off the edge
of a bridge where they have slipped and are about to fall. Or it
could be the gift of some Amaranth seeds, that lysine rich
wholly edible plant that would allow a family to have protein in
their diet. Or it could be helping a migrating family put the
wheel back on their cart, so grandma can make the trip and the
babies are not needing to be carried by weary parents. A small
thing. Making an immense difference.

- a helping hand
- help; physical help, especially
with the hands
Google the term Helping
Hand and one finds many nonprofit and/or relief efforts
trying to make that immense difference. They are everywhere. But
the Helping Hand is not what is done while sitting in one’s easy
chair in front of the TV, with a bit of cash donated. It is what
is done in an emergency, during the flow of life, when one has
an opportunity and the moment will pass unless action
is taken. Not a sympathetic heart and a tear shed, but action.
Not when one pays for others to take action, but when one gets
personally involved. That's
the Helping Hand that makes a difference. Like, for instance,
letting the homeless live in your backyard.

- Tiny Houses for the Homeless: An
Affordable Solution Catches On
February 20, 2014
- More than 125 volunteers showed
up with tools in hand and built six new 16-by-20-foot
houses for a group of formerly homeless men. It was the
beginning of Second Wind Cottages, a tiny-house village
for the chronically homeless in the town of Newfield,
N.Y., outside of Ithaca. Each house had cost about $10,000
to build, a fraction of what it would have cost to house
the men in a new apartment building. The project is part
of a national movement of tiny-house villages, an
alternative approach to housing the homeless that's
beginning to catch the interest of national advocates and
government housing officials alike.
- Tiny Homes for the Homeless—in your
April 6, 2017
- For those concerned about the
number of individuals and families living on the streets,
tiny homes are an affordable way to provide temporary
shelter and transitional housing. Tiny shelters can be
placed on small, unused sites. They can be built quickly
and inexpensively, and they provide a base for other
services. In Nashville, a 20-unit subdivision of 220–400
sq. ft. homes is now in development. Just this week,
approval was granted for a similar effort in Denver.
ZetaTalk Comment
4/26/2008: As
we have explained, Earth is a schoolhouse where incarnated
souls get a change to take action, thus sorting out their
spiritual orientation - Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self.
Humans thus should not anticipate being saved, which is a
Biblical reference to having someone other than the self
taking action. You are to save yourself by taking action to
help others.
ZetaTalk Comment
8/8/2009: In
order to be considered Service-to-Others an entity must think
of others 50% of the time, the self 50% of the time.
Service-to-Others does not mean being a pushover or a slave to
the demands of others. Those who are highly Service-to-Others
spend more time thinking about the welfare of others, and take
action, often a great sacrifice to themselves.