Nibiru Spotlight
The Nibiru complex suddenly developed a dramatic spotlight
effect on May 14. This lasted throughout the day for a 6 hour
period from 13:45 to 19:46, and was still present days later in
Alberto’s photos. The Nibiru complex still showed the expected
cluster of Moon Swirls to the left, with Nibiru and its double
Helix guard of dominant Moon Swirls to the lower right. It was
obvious from close inspection that this beam of light was not
coming directly from the Sun, but from Nibiru.

During Nibiru’s slow passage through the Solar System, from when
it arrived in 2003 to the present time when it is outbound
toward Earth, the Nibiru complex could be seen stretching from
right to left. This is apparent from an archive of Alberto’s
photos on the ZetaTalk websites. Recently the view has
become cluttered, as though the Earth were in the midst of a
blast of debris and dust pointed like a firehose directly at the
Earth. This is because Nibiru has drawn closer, preparing for
its passage. We are now within
the fog.

What would cause this sudden beam of light to emerge from
Nibiru? Photo after photo on May 14 and days following showed
this to be the case, the source Nibiru itself and its dominant
Helix moons on either side. The spotlight points directly down,
below where the photographer is standing. The spotlight seens to
point toward the Earth! This of course is the nearest gravity
sink for the light rays, and it is known that light rays can be
bent by gravity. The refraction
of light is well documented. The Zetas explain.

ZetaTalk Explanation
6/30/2018: In
the past, Nibiru was offset more to the right side of the Sun,
when seen from the Northern Hemisphere. It was pointing its
magnetic N Pole to the left hand side of the Sun. Thus the
vast tail filled with Moon Swirls and debris would be seen
blowing under the Sun and then wrapping around in a retrograde
circle to the left of the Sun and thence above the Sun. All
the components of the Nibiru complex were laid out for
relatively easy visibility. But as Nibiru drew closer to the
Earth, the Earth was caught more directly in the blast from
Thus recently Alberto’s
photos had the appearance of being in a fog bank, a cloud of
debris which made it difficult to discern Nibiru or the
various components. Sunlight would be expected to flow evenly
though this fog, but as light easily bends toward gravity
sinks, the sunlight coming close to Nibiru and its dominant
moons actually bends toward these gravity sinks. Bent
slightly, they refract like light passing through water, to
bend and focus the light toward Earth! This phenomena may
linger or repeat, coming and going, during the ongoing drama
of Nibiru’s approach for a passage.
Will this increase awareness of the Nibiru complex nearby, or
will those on Earth viewing this sudden spotlight emerging from
a point in space not
the Sun connect the dots? Certainly sunlight through clouds is
not new, and the clouds do disburse the sunlight. But if the
spotlight appears in cloud-free skies, what then? Only time will
tell if this is a way Nibiru is announcing itself, since the
establishment has been so determined to maintain a cover-up over
its presence.

Those spotlights have appeared in the recent past, most
noticeably along the Missouri River
last October 20, 2017 when a group of hunters captured this
photo of 12 spotlight spires. The String of Pearls hung like a
pearl necklace above, 12 Moons clearly visible. A break in the
clouds where the setting Sun shown through had exactly 12 spires
of light pointing down into the Missouri River below.

Rainbow Clouds
Iridescent or rainbow clouds have increasingly been in the
news, but lately there has been an explosion. This, per the
Zetas, is due to the grease in the tail of Nibiru, which is
increasingly wafting the Earth. More grease in the atmosphere,
more rainbows in the clouds. This issue was last covered in this
Newsletter in Issue 470 in 2015.

- You don't Need Rain for these
Rainbows Spotted over Ottawa
June 11, 2018
- If you happened to look up at the
sky this past weekend, you might have noticed a rare and
beautiful sight: iridescent rainbow clouds, but not a drop
of rain in sight.
- Fire Rainbow Spotted in Vermont
June 11, 2018
- An iridescent rainbow-colored
cloud seemed to magically materialize in the sky above
Vermont. A similar fire rainbow made headlines in San
Francisco less than two months ago.
- Rainbow 'Ghost Cloud' Forms in Utah
March 25, 2018
- The rainbow cloud disappeared
minutes after filming the sky.
- Stunning Rainbow Cloud caught on
February 1, 2018
- Stunning video captured a rainbow
in the clouds over Ribeirao Claro, Brazil, in a
meteorological phenomenon known as cloud iridescence.
Iridescence like this happens when the clouds are very
thin and are made of similar-sized water droplets.
- Rare Iridescent Rainbow Cloud seen
above Darwin
January 17, 2018
- Northern Territory locals have
been treated to the sight of clouds with a stunning
rainbow lining.
ZetaTalk Interpretation 9/26/2015: Rainbows
are nothing more than light rays bent by water in the clouds.
The angle from the light source (the Sun) to the eye of the
recipient changes as the distance increases and thus as with
light being shown through a prism the color changes. The
multiple rainbows seen recently, or rainbows seen in unusual
places, are due to the addition of grease in the atmosphere,
as the tail of Nibiru is greasy. It is for this same reason
that halos around the Sun or Moon have increased lately.
Schumann Resonance
The Schumann Resonance is normal steady at 7.83 hZ, the Earth
natural heartbeat. The magnetic onslaught from Nibiru has been
assaulting the Earth over the past couple years, as noted in
this Newsletter in Issue 606 on May
5, 2018 and in Issue 567 in August,
2017. Thanks to regular postings on the Pole
Shift ning blog dedicated to this matter, we can see that
matters are continuing and have become a daily affair!

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/6/2016: The
Schumann Resonance is an Earth hum, caused by a broad
vibration of the Earth within its own magnetic field. Why
is this becoming irregular at times, lately? There is a battle
in the Earth’s magnetosphere, with the Earth wanting to align
with the Sun but also being assaulted by a magnetic blast from
Nibiru. Thus at times with a magneton overload, at other times
with a throbbing pull to this or that side of the globe as the
magnetons within the Earth, in the process of flowing through,
are either in excess or of a dearth. How will this discord
affect humans and other life who have become accustomed to the
7.83 Hz? Headaches, being dizzy or fatigued, or at other times
irritable and energetic. None of this has long term health
effects and all this will in time pass after the Pole Shift.
Scandinavia on
NATO periodically runs exercises, and Trident Junction 18 is no
different except for its size and participation. Trident
Junction 18 is the largest since 2002 and all NATO members will
participate. Included are non-members Finland and Sweden. NATO
in fact has dozens
of exercises planned for 2018. The premise, during the
exercise, which is to take place in Norway, is that Russia has
invaded. Yes, once again, peaceful Russia is the bogyman. This
is based on Norway having a 122 mile border with Russia.

- Exercise Trident Juncture 18 to
Demonstrate NATO’s ability to Defend Itself
June 11, 2018
- NATO is preparing for its largest
military exercise since 2002, with more than 40,000
personnel from 30 NATO and partner countries
participating. All Allies, as well as partners Finland and
Sweden, will participate in NATO’s largest military
exercise in recent years, which will take place in Norway
in October-November.

- War Cry: Sweden Mobilizes all its
Reservists for 1st Time in 40 Years
June 6, 2018
- Sweden mobilized all 40 Home
Guard battalions in an unprecedented exercise that has not
been held since 1975. The drills marked the National Day
of Sweden. Apart from the Home Guard, another Cold War era
relic was dusted off in May, when the country issued a
reprint of a brochure, dubbed ‘If Crisis or War Comes.’
The 2018 issue of the booklet contains advice on how to
take shelter, what foods to stock, how to manage water
reserves and, most importantly, how to tell propaganda
from trustworthy information. The booklet is designed to
prepare the populace for all sorts of crises, ranging from
terrorist attacks to all-out war. It was the first time
since 1991 that Swedish authorities distributed such a
brochure to the citizens.
- US To Double Number of Marines in
Norway to Counter Russia, Before Massive Military Exercise
June 17, 2018
- The Norwegian government intends
to add another 400 U.S. Marines to Norway before the most
significant military exercise since the Cold War this
fall. This fall, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) will be leading a massive military exercise across
the entire country of Norway, an unprecedented maneuver
not seen since the days of the Cold War. It seems like
Washington and Norway are making the preliminary
adjustments before a total of 35,000 troops from 30
different countries kick off the exercise, called Trident
Are we to pretend that Russia wants the oil fields in the
North Sea that Norway controls? Russia has its own oil
and gas fields, aplenty, which it is trying to guard.
Russia is focusing on its Far East
development. What makes Norway and Sweden unique in Europe are
the highlands, which are likely to be invaded by those in the
lowlands of Europe, such as Finland and Denmark and Germany and
Poland and Hungary and the Netherlands and frankly, most of
Europe including France and the UK. So what is the threat to
Norway and the oil fields of the North Sea?

ZetaTalk Prediction
2010: Of
course Norway and Sweden are seen as desirable countries to
immigrate to as they are high ground, social democracies that
take care of their citizens, and in the case of Norway,
wealthy. There will of course be huge numbers of migrating
people from western Russia, Demark, Finland, and the lowlands
of Poland and Germany and other lowland countries. They have
few choices. They can push into the highlands of Sweden and
Norway and take their chances at being expelled, or migrate
south into the Alps and other high ground where they will
likewise meet hostility, or in the case of Russia migrate
toward the Urals where they will find intense crowding.

ZetaTalk Comment
3/14/2015: Europe
is characterized by royalty, a history in the past of being
colonialists, invading and mastering many lands abroad. The
Americas and Africa and India were colonies of European
countries, and many have never forgotten their status. World
War I and II were waged due to the ambitions of a European
country. Diminishing in influence as the colonies attained
independence, Europe sought for strength in unity in the
European Union and Euro, but this setup is imploding. Russia
had its own overreach and implosion, but has stabilized and
combined with a strong partnership with China is
self-sufficient. This is not true of Europe, which relies on
Russian gas. Russia is aware that Europe wants to push into
their oil and gas fields just over the border from the
Ukraine, and this is the basis of the Ukraine turmoil. Europe
cannot accept their dependent status.
Perhaps the threat to Norway and the oil in the North Sea are
all the ISIS sleeper cells Merkel keeps bringing in to Germany
and the rest of Europe. Tens of millions of them, and she keeps
wanting more. NATO is perhaps preparing to defend Europe from Merkel’s private army!

- "The Situation Is Critical": Austria
Conducts Border Defense Drills For Expected Wave Of 80,000
June 15, 2018
- Austrian forces will conduct
border-security exercises on June 25 in the border town of
Spielfeld in preparation for a wave of 80,000 migrants
expected to travel through the route to Western and
Central Europe. The migrants are primarily young male
loners, "many of whom are considered "terrorist fighters,"
which require strong border protection.
ZetaTalk Confirmation
10/1/2016: What
this dying German engineer is reporting is that these bunkers
in Germany anticipate housing Muslims almost exclusively. He
then hypothesizes that these young Muslim men will be used to
kill off German survivors who would not be considered top
grade workers for the elite. Merkel has been an aggressive
proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be
disproportionately young men rather than complete families
with women and young children and the aged. This begs the
question, why did these young men desert their families? Was
this Merkel’s plan, and has it failed? Yes.
Merkel has kept her grip on power, her dominance over not only
Germany but the European Union as well, but now this grip is
slipping. Numerous members of the European Union had refused to
accept immigrants or cooperate with Merkel. Meanwhile rape
statistics have skyrocketed and handing out welfare benefits
have strained budgets. Will the European Union be a casualty?
They have an open border policy, and other rules such as the
rule that an asylum seeker must be taken in at the first border
encountered, that are at threat. The times, they are a’changing!

- Merkel given Two Weeks to Seal EU
Deal or Migrants will be Rejected
June 18, 2018
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s
Bavarian allies gave her a two-week reprieve today to set
tougher border controls in the EU, saying if she didn't
meet the deadline they would start automatically rejecting
asylum seekers at the German border.
- Boat Caught in Europe's Migration
Spat brings Hundreds to Spain
June 17, 2018
- Rescued migrants turned away by
Italy and Malta arrived at the Spanish port of Valencia,
ending a gruelling Mediterranean odyssey that became
symbolic of Europe's failure to agree on immigration.
Spain swooped to help 629 mainly sub-Saharan Africans on
board the ship Aquarius after Italy's new government,
asserting its anti-immigrant credentials, refused to let
it dock.