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Re: Pole Shifts - Should We Care?

In Article <7FDb7.309$> Thomas McDonald wrote:
>> Walked into a depression in the middle of a meal and
>> were frozen so completely they did not decompose.  Not so,
>> as they DID NOT THAW thereafter!
>> Also, per a Dutch scientist currently working on
>> the project, the Discovery Channel mammoth had a common
>> Siberian SPRING FLOWER in its gut, a flower not able to
>> live in the polar circle, a flower that blooms only in the spring.
>> So how did this huge herbivor, which ate leaves and grass,
>> manage to die in the spring, get frozen solid so quickly that
>> there was zero decay, and remain frozen if it was
>>  supposedly, per you, in an area that sustained moss and
>> lichens during the summer months?

Someone was asking me to identify the Dutch scientist working on the
project.  This was posted onto sci.astro by me:
   Mon, 09 Jul 2001 17:20:07 -0500
   Message: <>
   Planet X: (More) MASTDON Evidence
and can be found on my web site:
I quote:

   Investigating the vegetation from within the frozen block
   Bas van Geel, (Amsterdam laboratory):

   COMMENTATOR:   Preliminary findings from the tusk
   tell Dann that the Jarkov Mammoth was in generally
   good health, faired well in his environment, and died in
   late winter or early spring. He may have died accidentally,
   since at 47 years old, he was still 12 years shy of the
   average Mammoth livespan. From the tests he ran at his
   Amsterdam laboratory, Bas van Geel has his own ideas of
   what happened.

   BAS VAN GEEL: We found the flowers of Artemisia,
   and some of these flowers are still CLOSED! They were
   not really a flower, but were fossilized at a moment when
   the pollon was still inside .... (and the flower was closed)

   COOMMENTATOR:   The Artemisia's life cycle was
   interrupted before the height of summer.

Now, how is it the environment could FREEZE SOLID a large mammoth, in
early spring, and have it NEVER THAW THEREAFTER?  How is it that the
current environment, which is so cold these entombed beasts did not
thaw, could sustain the huge herbivors?  How many tons of hay does it
take to feed an elephant, weekly?  Earth to McDonald, who is comforting
himself that crust shifts don’t happen, could not happen, to his
precious environment.  Hello?