ZetaTalk: Sequence of Events
written Jan 20, 2005
What may be the next catastrophe to awaken the public?
During the life of ZetaTalk we have describing the events during the hour of the shift, during the week of rotation stoppage, during the days when the globe slows to
a stop in its rotation, during the weeks leading into the side-by-side position of Earth and Planet X that allows this grip on the Atlantic Rift such that rotation could
be stopped, the 270° roll of Planet X causing 3 Days of Darkness and 6 days of Sunrise West for the northern hemisphere, and prior to that months of tilting and
leaning under the influence of Planet X as it passes the Suns S. Pole, and prior to that years of influence from afar as Planet X speeds toward the Sun from its
midpoint between the Sun and its dark binary some 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances from the Sun. Of the thousands of ZetaTalk writings, over these years, these events
were not laid out in an orderly fashion for the reader, for many reasons.
Consider the plagiarism that has occurred during the short life of ZetaTalk.
- Mark Hazelwood lifting our description of the pole shift, almost verbatim, for his book Blindsided in 2003 and becoming a media darling to supplant the
ZetaTalk message and allow someone well in hand as an establishment voice to be the spokesperson.
- Ed Dames, who at first prior to the year 2000 denied the existence of Planet X, doing an about face and starting to describe the changes we have described
in great detail, again as someone well in hand as a Major and former CIA associate to be an establishment spokesperson. Meanwhile, the voice of ZetaTalk
is suppressed.
- Various websites purporting to allow the public to pose questions to the Zetas, numerous forgeries of Nancy Lieder on the message boards, and the sudden
appearance of personages with information about the coming changes, some supposedly as government agents with a conscience and others supposedly
receiving channeled information, all aligning closely with what ZetaTalk has predicted and explained in great detail or what could be presumed from what we
have predicted and explained.
Consider the excuses the establishment has prepared to explain the Earth changes and keep the public dumb for as long as possible.
- Its all from the Sun, the mantra of Mitch Battros of Earth Changes TV and killshot Ed Dames. Where earthquakes and erupting volcanoes were never
before associated with solar flares, there are hints this is a cause. The Sun, implacable as before, is unaware of the passage of Planet X, nor is the Sun the
cause of Earths paroxysms.
- Human hands are causing the changes, HAARP meteorology or secret weapons that can focus earthquakes under enemy lands or foment weather
disturbances. Man of course does not have the ability to create earthquakes or control the weather, as any observation of the path and destruction of
hurricanes and typhoons would show. These cannot be stopped, nor can man even predict earthquakes, such is their impotence.
- Global Warming, to blame for the melting poles and glaciers and increased weather swings. This failed utterly to address why the globe is heating from the
ground up, permafrost melting under the ice, and of course never addressed why warmer air could cause increased quakes and volcanic eruptions. Quake
statistics were kept in line by dropped data and under-reported Richter. Were Global Warming the cause, the Kyoto Treaty would have been treated
seriously by the US.
Were ZetaTalk to have come forth, at the start, with a logical sequence of events, both plagiarism and alternate excuses would have been more successful in
deluding the public. Beyond these reasons for not being explicit in detailing the sequence of events is the ever present need to keep the establishment from
formulating firm Martial Law plans. This looms like a dark boot over the heads of children at play, the desire to stomp hundreds of millions of innocents to death
during the hours of chaos ever present, to eliminate demands for food and shelter from those not considered suitable for work camps. The common man, to whom
we speak in our compassion to see them informed of what is to come, emotionally prepared for what this will mean in their lives, and able to lay plans for how they
may help themselves and those they love and feel responsible for, nevertheless gets the message.