- Signs of the Times #152
- Federal Deficit Depresses Real Estate Market and Hoped-For Recovery UPI, July 30 The Fed´s Beige Book, released Wednesday, attempts
to paint an optimistic picture, with "additional signs that the pace of economic activity increased a notch" in June and early July, after a
weak spring. But it is unconvincing in doing so. For a start, the principal area of strength cited is residential real estate, which has been
enjoying a boom for nearly 2 years now on the back of low and declining long term interest rates. ... If this sounds too good to be true, it is.
... a second, deeper recession that is exacerbated by a collapse in the housing market and in consumers´ financial position. ... According to
the weekly Mortgage Bankers´ Association survey figures, announced Wednesday, the composite index was at 972.4, down 24.8 percent for
the week, while the refinancing index was at 4,145.8, down 32.9 percent for the week and less than half its peak of late May/early June.
- Signs of the Times #151 (via email to Nancy)
- Also, the local weather station out of Cleveland showed the sunset last night [July 30] on time lapse. It was really wierd. It showed the sun
going (it was yellowish white) down below the horizon, then a big red ball showed up and then it went below the horizon. It appeared to be
about half the size of the sun. If I really believed in Planet X, I´d say I just saw proof of it. The weatherman just kind of looked at it then
tried to get the control room to replay it, but they wouldn´t. Guess that will be the last time we see that here.
- Signs of the Times #150 (via email to Nancy)
- I quit my job in Morristown, NJ last April because I was becoming overly anxious about Planet X and the ensuing debacle. My co-workers
refused to believe me depite the proof ZetaTalk offers on its website (among others). Since I had never seen Planet X with my own eyes
(only from the pictures provided on the site) I wanted to see for sure with my own camera. I was in New York City visiting a friend and it
was an unusually bright day for the tri-state area, even for the summer. I took my camera and pointed it toward the sun. Low and behold,
target="_top">there it was!
- Signs of the Times #149 (from godlikeproduction Message Boards)
- We simply melt from heat here, in the North of Russia. It is 80-85 F during the day in the shadow. ... For today [July 30] Lisbon 100.4ºF,
Santarém 105.8ºF, Setúbal 104ºF, Beja 111.2ºF. ... There is a reddish tinge to the sunset and clouds here in the UK and as a kid we learnt
from parable ´red sky at night, shepherds delight´ meaning good weather the following day. Now it´s likely to be raining in the morning. ...
Here in mid-georgia and these storms are quite freakish in nature. It´ll be sunny and/or stable and the next thing you know in rolls the
thunderboomers. ... In Memphis we were hit by a freak storm that came across the Mississippi at approximately 50 miles an hour. There
was very little warning (no sirens), and the weather services only issued an alert approximately 10 minutes before we were hit. It was
literally a Hurricane on land. We had steady, straight-line winds of at least 60 to 70 mph with gusts of over 100mph (and no tornados were
reported). This was most definitely abnormal. ... In Southwest Indiana it is weird. In late May early June we had 100 deg temps. July it is
cold. Lucky if it gets to the mid 80´s. ... We have rain 4 days a week for the past three months. Our ground is full of water and we will soon
be a flood area if we don´t get a break soon. I have lived in Pennsylvania for 45 years and have never seen it like it is now. ... In Southern
California last night we had thunder storms and rain off and on. From the rain on the first day of summer, to the high humidity. Something
is different. ... Western Washington has been having an extended heat wave/dry spell. Looks like our beautiful green landscapes are rapidly
turning into an extreme fire hazard. ... Western Canada, the dry spell has been going on for months now. No more than 2 days of rain since
May. ... There is an article on www.usatoday.com [July 30] that says this July is rainiest ever in Alaska.
- Signs of the Times #148 (via email to Nancy)
- The World's No.1 Science & Technology News Service http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99993986 To the left of the ice
tower is target="_top">Planet X in plain view in all it's glory! [Note: The photographer has informed inquirers that the photo accompanying the article
was taken by him in either December 1999 or December 2000. The sun does not rise at the South Pole until late September. All of June and
July 2003 the sun was below the horizon at the South Pole. In fact, the sun is still below the horizon at the South Pole in August.]
- Signs of the Times #147 (via email to Nancy)
- I am a US postal worker. In our current bulletin #22107 a major change has been made regarding employee absences. Before, the manual
read Acts of God and then defined them. The revision reads: Acts of God and civil disorders involve disasters such as fire, flood, storms,
or riots in the local community. My feeling is that these unprecedented changes are in preparation for aftertime conflicts and invocation of
martial law.