Lou Gentile Show (Part 3)
February 25, 2005
Nancy only taped her side of the Interview.
The complete interview is available on the Lou Gentile web site, to subscribed members.
A brief paraphrase of the question or comment made by Lou has been inserted.
The first half of the Interview was discussing the content of the web page prepared for the show, content at the link Lou!
This is a long interview, on more than one web page, continuing links to next page at bottom.
QUESTION: {When is the best time to see Planet X from Australia?]
NANCY: Actually, it’s during the day, because it is between us and the Sun, and that’s where the corpus is, and during the day you will see the moon swirls on
either side. They tend to be strung out along the Ecliptic, and the Ecliptic is at an angle, it’s not above or below the Sun, but depending, you have to get a
planetarium program and type in the time of day and the date and see the Ecliptic angle and that’s where you’ll see the moon swirls. The photos on the web site, in
the Photo section are a very good guide to where people have found objects near the Sun. And I’m not talking about the 3% that might be lens flares. There are
some 2,000 photos on that web site, and just click through and you’ll get some feeling of where to look for it, especially in early 2004 and the latter part of 2003.
QUESTION: [I asked my professor about Planet X and got a 500 word statement on why it is impossible.]
NANCY: Well, good for him. And I’ve gotten some email from people who’ve done that, and said that they got a tremendous response and what could they do to
reply, and I said that we do have a tilt, and if you check where the Sun is rising and setting, it’s not in accordance with what the planetarium programs tell you.
Take a look at the Moon, that’s even worse, that’s like instead of a hat flatly fitting on top of your head and balanced on top of the left ear and right ear, it’s like
catawhompus, way high on one side and way low on the other, and the orientation of the face indicates the wobble when you go South or North in latitude like
you’re not supposed to. And get your fellow students to go out with you and make these observations, and present that to him against the planetarium programs,
like Skymap, that are saying what things are supposed to be, and have him address that. I’m not sure if this was the same gentleman. A couple hundred years ago
the Earth was flat, and anybody who said otherwise probably got a 500 word essay also.
QUESTION: [Why have most people never heard of Planet X?]
NANCY: Well, the media is not touching it, and unless it’s on the Internet or some talk shows, like this one, it doesn’t get out there. Now I hear from people all the
time who say somebody who has never heard the term is presented with idea and they say ‘you know I’ve noticed the Moon is not in the right place’ and that
type of thing. People say their grandmothers are commenting on it, or that they notice that the Sun is not rising. I got an email from somebody, I think I included it in
my Signs of the Times as an example, somebody who had a client in Sweden who came in, and the subject turned to these kinds of matters, and how people were
documenting that the tilt of the Earth is not right, and guy dropped his jaw, turned pale, and said that he had just been saying to his wife that the Sun was coming
through a window in his house that it had never come through before, into the South. Didn’t know what to make of it. They don’t know what to make of it. And
like you with the USGS, Lou, they don’t know where to go with this information. If they try to call the weatherman or the TV station, or the observatories and the
like, you’re going to get stonewalled.
There was something over a year ago about the weather being so erratic and the Second Sun very visible in the Summer of 2003 when we were on the opposite
side of Planet X, it was very grand in the sunrise and sunset at times, where people actually thought they saw the Sun rise and then the Sun rose again and they
realized they saw 2 Suns. And they were calling the weather stations. Someone overheard a weatherman at an I-Hop, I believe it was, in Seattle, saying ‘yeah,
how long is this going to go before we can tell people what this is all about?’ and they have an answering machine to take all these calls, and these people
never get called back, because they’re flooded with hundreds if not thousands of phone calls. So they have nowhere to go with this, and they’re not going to get an
QUESTION: [We hear about the Big Bang, photos from the Hubble, why is there no record of Planet X?]
NANCY: Well, we’ve been capturing it on photos, with a welder’s lens to filter out the glare. People are seeing this if they put double sun glasses on and the like,
able to see it. And I got, when I was doing a lot with photos which I finally stopped because I have to chose what I’m spending my time on and I can’t do it all and
I thought it was well documented. Well, I would get photos from Australia and Italy or Japan or someplace and somebody in Pennsylvania that would show the
same thing on approximately the same date. And it astonished me that I was getting that kind of corroboration from people. Where there was like a tube shaped
moon swirls off to the left or the like, and these people didn’t know each other. I was the point of contact and I didn’t get them in touch with each other. So it’s
there and people are seeing this but they have nowhere to go with this information. And those people who say that there’s no record of it, it’s very dust clouded.
Venus and Mercury for instance reflect light, Mars reflects light. But this is like a fuzz ball, because of the close shrouded. It picked up this dust when it went
through the Asteroid Belt in the past and pounded it to pieces. There were planets there. And it is a magnetic planet. It’s 23 times the mass of ours, although only 4
times the diameter. Big magnet, fat magnet, and it captured all this magnetized iron ore dust, and drags it along with it. That’s the red dust that the Book of
Revelations warns us about, the rivers will turn blood and the Jewish Exodus reported happened, during the last passage which was, by the way, 3,600 year ago.
So, this dust shroud hides it. It’s like looking at something through a fog bank. How much of that do you see? That’s why.
QUESTION: [Any pane of glass will create a lens flare, who do you know they’re not all flares?]
NANCY: Because people who know lens flares, amateur astronomers, have calculated to take this into account or screen it out, are capturing these anomalies.
And I would suggest that people go to the web site and look at the photos. I don’t have PhotoShop. I don’t have time to doctor things. What do they think? A
single woman, who has no staff, who’s writing new ZetaTalk, maintaining a web site, and trying to do everything else in her life that is expected, has time to do?
This is a real thing. I have examples actually of lens flares, early on, which I put up there to show. There’s characteristics of them, and you can identify them. You
can draw a line through the Sun and you have a flare on one side and often something else on the other. They tend to line up like a dial and move like a dial. So,
these are mostly not lens flares. Go look!
QUESTION: [Are you going to be lifted?]
NANCY: Well, actually, I’m sure I’m going to not die. Because they have plans for me. I’ve viewed as somebody they can make a lot of use, walking into survival
sites and saying ‘I’m with weird looking people but they want to help you out’. I’m already doing some of that, by they way, in cases where people are certain to
die, like let’s say during the tsunami, and a bunch of children might have been captured and put off somewhere to be used for sexual slavery, where if they
disappear it’s going to be assumed that someone else took them. But they’re being rescued and taken to be raised among the hybrids and Zetas and other good
hearted humans because the Element of Doubt is preserved. That type of action. So because of that, I don’t expect to die. I’ve asked to actually experience what
everybody else is experiencing, the fear, the agony, having to worry about clean water, starving, because I want to be able to relate. I don’t want to be coming off
of an ivory tower and say ‘I’m here to help you’, I want to be real, I want to like be with the people. So yes, I’ll be saved, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be
CALLER: [Diane from Kansas calls, also has the flu, to say that she has met people on her travels to California and other states who have heard of Planet X, so it
is more broadly known than expected, unlike what was stated earlier in the show by someone.]
LOU: [Any comment, Nancy?]
NANCY: Nope, keep going, you’re doing a great job.
QUESTION: [Is all the flu we’re experiencing natural, or population control?]
NANCY: And here’s the Zetas
- At present, there is no bio-terrorism or bio-control, although much has been planned. As is known, AIDS and the Ebola epidemics are manmade attempts at population control. And we have stated that chem trails were tests of how effective spraying people on the ground would be. Tapping into clinics and seeing how many sick people arrived and the degree and duration of their illness. And although this is planned. If the establishment had a firm date as to when serious slowing and rotation stoppage and the prompt arrival of a pole shift could to be planned, they would poison cities. LA would be gone, New York City, Philadelphia, Miami, many cities in Indonesia, Paris, any place considered having soft people who would be demanding to be fed but not having skills that would immediately be put to use in a survival camp, regardless of any good souls in there, the whole place would be planned to be wiped out. Or blockading, for drowning. But they would release toxins, release poisons, release germs, within the cities and say ‘well we can’t let anybody go, they might infect the rest of the populace’. The only thing staying this hand is that they do not have a definite date. And there have also been plans to do dirty nukes in some of these places. These nukes have just disappeared in the case of the US wanting to establish Martial Law early, and this we take credit for, we and our brethren in the Service-to-Others. They just disappear in the same way that weapons of mass distruction, attempting to be planted in Iraq, disappeared.
So right now, these are opportunistic germs. We reported in 1998 that increasing illness would occur as the Earth, the swirling core of the Earth, makes people’s immune systems drop, and that we would have normal germs that would be more virulent as people’s immune systems would be low, or we would have opportunistic germs that would rise up and travel and spread, or because of the changing climate we would have germs moving from one area to another and therefore striking a set of the populace that did not have an immune system brace against it. And this is what is occurring at present. Our determination not to give you a firm date is to try to prevent the type of horror that the establishment is planning. They would like to sculpt the population very dramatically during the week or two going into the pole shift and we are preventing this by every means we have.- ZetaTalk
QUESTION: [What are the objections to ZetaTalk?]
NANCY: One is ‘none of this is true’, and they certainly aren’t looking. I mean there are people in 1995 when ZetaTalk came out and talked about the weather
that for years after that were saying ‘ah, the weather is perfectly normal’ and I’ll bet they’re still saying that. ‘Nothing is there, there’s nothing around the
Sun, there’s no cover-up’. I think we address that, the Zetas did, calling The Insecure, why people are so frightened. It’s very scary, and if they don’t really have
any personal resources, and they can’t address this kind of a change in their life, they want denial. So I must be wrong. If they want to feel secure and comfortable,
then I must be wrong. So they’re arguing that way, no matter what, and they will until the very end. The second is a group of people that is actually getting their
living from the government and the debunkers really are a small handful. They’re very vocal, they’re out there hammering away like crazy. But people have noted,
in patterns, of how they work together, the old one-two, that they seem to be a group. But in the main, they say ‘well, you’re scaring people’, and I say, if you
warn people, if a storm is coming your way, and you want to say 'hey, this is what I think is happening and this is what we’re predicting and here are the
signs', then you’re helping them. I mean, wouldn’t you say 'a semi-truck driving down the highway is going to slam you in your back, get out of the road', or
would you just say, ‘well, I would scare them if I said that’. Which way helps the person? So mainly these are people who are frightened themselves, and have
no recourse themselves. I always point them to the survival techniques that we present, and suggest that mankind, I mean, think of the father, like you, Lou, with
young children who needs to be able to know when to go to safety, what to do when you get there, why shouldn’t you know this? So that’s it in the main. These
people are frightened by the message so I must be wrong.
LOU: [People do not seem to want to call in anymore.]
NANCY: Humm, well, that applies to the good and the bad. Because how many times have we had debunkers on the phone and the phone lines jammed. I can
remember one how that it was one after the other and they were all hostile and nasty and from Dallas, Texas and from places like that and I didn’t know what I
was talking about and if they’re not calling in ...
LOU: [Maybe they gave up.]
NANCY: No, they don’t give up, Lou, let me tell you, they do not give up. No, no.
LOU: [End of the hour, etc.]
NANCY: You take a hot toddy and go to bed and don’t you go outside. You’re in my prayers.
LOU: [Do you have a book?]
NANCY: Yup, and book and a video, and don’t forget that $4.10 twin CD from Troubled Times, has all of Troubled Times and all of ZetaTalk as of last Summer
and the Internet might go down and you can sit and as long as you have a battery, you can read that stuff.