Re: Seventy-Day Jupiter Movie Pulls Patterns Out Of Chaos 3
In Article <9ive6h$1d8$> Ron Baalke wrote:
> The model in question suggests that Jupiter's
> alternating bands of east-west winds are the exposed
> edges of deeper, closely-packed rotating cylinders that
> extend north-south through the planet. ... many such
> cylinders sit side-by-side, girdling the planet like rings
> of narrow solid-rockets strapped to the outside of a larger
> rocket ... alternating with latitude and symmetric
> about the equator.
Planetary rotation has been explained by the Zetas (previous post 2) as
due to lack of homogeneity in a mobile or liquid core, parts of which
chase or retreat from elements they are attracted to or repulsed from
OUTSIDE of the planet. The question raised by the NASA post (previous
post 1) is why their model does not work, as the movies made of the pole
shots show that the poles, and not just the equatorial latitudes, also
rotate. If the NASA model no longer works, then what IS causing the
alternating east-west motion within Jupiter's latitude bands? The Zetas
will explain. And why the longevity (next post 4) of the storms
Gaseous planets work on the same principles driving
their rotation, but due to the lack of a solid crust their
cores and atmospheres MERGE, where the rotation
patterns on the surface of a planet with a solid crust is
altered by the form and shape that crust takes. In
rotation within a liquid or mobile core, the rotation rate
differs for the various parts of the core. Rotation, as we
have explained, is driven by parts of the core moving
toward or away from elements OUTSIDE of the planet.
Like runners in a race, some parts move faster and
others more slowly, depending upon the strength of the
attraction or repulsion that is driving their motion within
the core. There are also differences in mass, so that some
parts of the core float closer to the surface, and others
fall to the center of the core. What does all this do to
the rotation of a gaseous planet, where the drama of
rotation in the core expresses itself on the surface of the
gaseous giant?
Just as the oceans of the Earth pool about her Equator,
due to being slung there by the motion of rotation, just
so the lighter elements in a gaseous planet pool about its
equator, with the heavier elements lining up in bands
toward the poles. Motion in a liquid or gaseous core,
once started, is driven also by the very motion itself.
Around the equator, the lighter elements rush to the
surface, and there find they cannot leave due to the
gravity pull of the planet, but also are being pushed
from behind by more of the same element rushing to the
surface. What happens in a fast flowing river, to the
water along the banks which are being slung away from
the pressure at the center? Eddy current occur, where the
pull of the flow at the center creates a relative vacuum in
that there is a difference in water pressure ALONG the
fast flow, so that water slung to the sides of the flow circle
back into those spots of lesser water pressure. Likewise,
eddy currents occur in a gaseous planet's latitude bands,
so that the motion of rotation apparent on the surface
appears to be ALTERNATING bands with an east-west
motion. The heaviest elements in such a planet pool at the
core, and due to the motion of rotation which slings the
lighter elements toward the surface of the planet, these
heavy elements also creep up toward the poles. All else,
the lighter elements, have left for the surface, and been
pulled based on their relative weight toward the equator
of the planet. The poles, thus, reflect the overall rotation
direction of the gaseous planet.