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Re: Planet X

In Article <gK717.8814$> Craig Levine wrote:
> In article <>, Nancy Lieder says...
>> Now why did Craig leave the DATES out of his quote?
> I left the dates out because we all know when Hale-Bopp was here.

So if I quote you are saying "look to the East, isn't that a gorgeous
sight!" when you are looking out upon the RISING Sun, as though you were
talking about the SETTING Sun, what is that, Craig?  If I endlessly
repeat "The setting sun was so gorgeous, but Craig said 'look to the
East', what a crackpot he is!".  Am I trying to mislead?

Here's what the Zetas said about Hale-Bopp, when it was first in the
news way back in 1995, a warning that is as true today as then.

    The perpetrators, the establishment and wealthy, are on
    the top of the heap at present and do not wish the heap to
    start moving about under them. They would have the rest of
    mankind become aware of [Planet X]'s approach only when
    it is too late to react.  ... [Planet X], a true messenger of
    death, will not even get the attention the fraudulent
    Hale-Bopp is getting today [August 6, 1995, when it was a
    nova that was being pointed to]. That's because it's a real
    threat, not a diversion. Don't look to Sagittarius [where
    Hale-Bopp's first appearance occurred], look to the left
    of Betelgeuse in late 2001, and keep looking!
        ZetaTalkā„¢, Hale-Bopp
           dated August 6, 1995

If the public is NAIVE about Hale-Bopp disinfo, then they will find they
are fed more of the same on Planet X.  Hale-Bopp:

  1. supposedly outgased out farther than any known comet and
  2. the ESO found no comment emissions in the spectrum,
  3. then stopped this process even though outgassing is supposed
     to increase as the comet approaches the sun,
  4. then had orbit changes that included perturbing away from
     Jupiter as it passed,
  5. had the images from the Hubble withheld from the public
  6. though Hyakutake images were given freely to the public,
  7. finally made the scene not any more impressive than
     Hyakutake in 1996.

If the public is NAIVE enough to buy all that about Hale-Bopp, then they
will continue to get more of the same re Planet X.  What thinking person
would believe an agency that:

  1. regularly withholds the Hubble pictures,
  2. refuses a direct feed of the images that come from
     the Hubble to the public,
  3. gives images of important objects (like Hale-Bopp) to their
     buddies as Principal Investigators so the public can't get them,
  4. is being touted as the single agency that should control
     all space exploration by the President-by-Coup, George W. Bush
  5. continues even today to insist that the search for Planet X was
     a math error
  6. was in the center of the IRAS discovery of Planet X in 1983,
     and the cover-up.

Hey, Craig Levine does!