Re: Planet X on CNN
In Article <9eqdrl$5q1$> Paul Schlyter wrote:
> Sorry, but N*nc* hasn't provided any evidence which
> have actually helped in locating even a single one
> unknown body.
Did you miss my original April 10thposting, Paul? Here it is, again,
Article <> titled Planet X SIGHTED by 3
ON FEB 7, 2001: Neuchatal
[The] whole team is contacting all and every observatories in France - just
sent a message. The Neuchatel observatory got it. They are very excited,
wondering if it is a comet or a brown dwarf, through the latest coordinates
you gave. I'm going to ask for further details. The daughter of the astronomer
reports that they suspect a comet or a brown dwarf on the process to become
a pulsar since it emits "waves".
About Neuchatal: The glasses of the Observatory of Neuchâtel, a single
instrument built and inaugurated in 1912, are from now on accessible to the
public. ... [Glasses] built by the Zeiss company at the beginning of this
century, it is refracting triple. In addition to one tube of aiming with a
diameter 30 cm and focal distance 4,5 m (f/15), it are equipped with two
photographic tubes (astrographes) with a diameter 36 cm and focal distance
3,6 m (f/10). The astrographes were built for the study of the ultraviolet
radiation, which was a revolutionist for the time. ... But fortunately, the central
tube was designed for the visual observation! It is equipped with an objective
with two lenses, of Fraunhofer type, and it gives excellent images of the moon
and planets such as Mars, Jupiter or Saturn, which makes the delights of the visitors.
ON APR 1, 2001: Lowel
I had asked the operator earlier if this scope would be able to see something
as far away and faint as, say, Pluto. He said he had seen Pluto with this scope
once before but it was so faint (magnitude 17) he could only see it out of the
corner of his eye. So I tried focusing on the periphery of the viewable area
while directing my attention to the middle. Lo and behold, there appeared a
faint blip not too far off center. I looked long and hard but wasn't sure if I was
imagining it or not. I asked a friend who had come along to take a look and told
him what to look for. He said he maybe saw something. I asked the operator if he
would look in the same fashion. He looked carefully for a couple of minutes and
confirmed what I saw. I took another look to satisfy myself. Yes, there was
definitely something there. I had the operator center the telescope on the faint
object so that we could get the coordinates more precisely and then I checked
a third time to make sure we were talking about the same thing. We were; the
elusive blip was centered now.
The operator described the object as diffuse and of approximate magnitude 11.
The coordinates (in degree/minute/second format), with a margin of error
according to the operator of +/- 20 seconds (about .006 degrees) RA and +/- 10
seconds (about .003 degrees) Dec were:
RA 05 09 09
Dec +16 31 49
In degree format the coordinates are:
RA 5.1525
Dec +16.5303
If you consider the margin of error offered by the operator, the RA is right on
with the coords predicted by ZetaTalk and the Dec is off by about .024 degrees,
best case scenario. If we further take into account the potential Variance from
the predicted coordinates of .2 RA degrees and .45 Dec degrees, then we are
easily within the predicted range. I couldn't discern any color. The thing was
hard enough just to see. I asked the telescope operator if he thought it looked
reddish and he said he didn't think we'd be able to see any color. I don't know
if he meant that the lack of color was a limitation of the McAllister scope or of
the faint, diffuse object itself.
ON APR 8, 2001: Gordon Macmillan
Near the center I see nothing that I think looks like the [Planet X](just a couple
stars) but at the very top right corner if I moved my head I could see what
appeared to be a darkish, diffuse, round spot, fairly large (I also got him to
hand me a red filter but was then not able to see even the brightest objects
in my view).
It was known that at this time, approximately Feb 1, 2001, the 12th Planet
[aka Planet X] would be visible without question to an observatory. Thus, a
number of individuals, known to us and already contactees, were offered this
information during discussions they initiated. This is the flurry of activity that
Nancy describes as occurring in January, 2001. As most of this activity is
outside of US control, establishment control, they are braced for it. Thus,
Hoagland is aware, through his contacts, as well as others are aware, and are
trying to appear to be on top of the situation by announcements beforehand.
They cannot stop it, and know this, thus are not trying to do so. But will offer
countering explanations for what has been found.
All this is outlined on the web on the Troubled Times site at
with TEAM search details at