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I've been doing a bit of thinking about numbers of people one is likely to encounter after the Pole Shift. The Zetas
indicate an approximate 90% die-off during and after the Pole Shift. This number, is obviously a world-wide,
under all conditions, aggregate estimate. So, by definition it is not accurate for any given location. Obviously, for
most of Florida and south Louisiana, being on the coast and only a few feet above sea level, the immediate result
of the pole shift would be closer to 100%. In other "safe" areas, such as most of the mid-west where the
elevation is high and a large percentage of the population have underground shelter for protection against
tornadoes, the percentage of survival may be as much as 75% just after the pole shift. Even in a community with
a die-off of 90%, if the initial population is 30,000, the survivors would number approximately 3000.
That's still a lot of people in a relatively small area, especially given the total lack of services. These people
would congregate to determine "what just happened", and "what should we do next?"
It is this point in time and place that I believe the efforts of the Troubled Times membership will make it's most
timely contributions to humanity. I have come to the conclusion that it has been a sub-conscious realization of
such statistics that has been bothering me for a couple of years. To date, we have had a mind set of the small
"survival community" geared to less than 100 people; and in most cases communities of less than 30 people.
What do you say when you find yourself within a group of 30,000 or even 27,000 and only you realize what is
happening and what is to come? You have the knowledge gained from this forum which would be the key to
ultimate survival of this group; but unless we start to include thinking and "survival sets" that are applicable to
these numbers of people we have overlooked the most probable scenario that most of us will face.
Optimistically one could find one's self with the opportunity and even sole responsibility to lead several
thousands of initially healthy individuals and families with the knowledge gained within this group. This
scenario, to me, appears most likely as opposed to "far-fetched". This is especially true of the portion of this
group who have every intention to re-locate to a "safe place". Therefore, I believe that it is imperative that
Troubled Times begin to address the issues that are involved in fostering and leading large groups
of everyday people, who working together toward specific goals, can be saved. I do not think that discussions
along these lines should proceed at the pace and in the manor with which we have so far arrived at "solution
sets" for small "survival communities". These solution sets do not need to be re-invented; but viewed in a
different way.
Offered by Ron.