TEAM: Access
Welcoming one to Troubled Times appears to be a contradiction in terms, but as you will see
momentarily it is a safe haven. We are here to share vital information, new ideas, and create solutions
for this most unprecedented period in our history. Please review this incredible collection put together
by the people who volunteered their time and effort.
Throughout the speculative predictions, doomsday legends, and false hope tactics reported in the daily
media, there are pertinent sources of information that we do address concerning the upcoming
millennium. We offer you and your loved ones a much needed platform of stability so that you can
calmly assimilate such life altering information. Please believe us when we say, what you read here will
shift your view of reality. There is no doubt about that.
We have put together ideas and solutions and offer you our support and guidance. We will listen to your
concerns and address your fears. All of us here, at some point, have been where you are now, and ... we
know where you will be in the near future. We would like to introduce a couple of members and share
with you their stories. Learn how they became aware of the upcoming changes and what steps they took
to adjust and prepare for what's ahead.
Hi, Pat and Brand here. We would like for you to know a little bit about us and how we came to be here.
Please read our Stories.
This site is designed as a special route for offering off-web access to Troubled Times information to
those folks who are not hooked up to the net or do not have access to a computer. If you would like to
share the information assembled on this website with others who you feel would benefit, we offer Hard
Copy Mailings along with timely updates for the cost of shipping and handling charges only. Why not
consider a hard copy for yourself?