- Diagram or photographs of a Bike Generator, described verbally in the Energy section but
currently going without graphics of any kind.
- Low Cost LED (light emitting diodes) arrays (red 430 NM and blue 680 NM) for efficient plant
growth. Most efficient conventional blue light source in case cost of blue LED's does not come down
in the next few years.
- Vacuum Preserving as a substitute for refrigeration preserving of food - tested with limits to the
extent it can be used. Best common items to use and how to produce the vacuum - pressure cookers,
- Experimentation with Bug and Worm Recipes, particularly earthworm as it is readily available,
rapid growing, is 82% protein, and the essential oil is Omega 3, a low colesterol oil. Earthworms
can be purged in water, then passed through a wringer to rapidly kill them, dried and powdered so
that the powder could be used to thicken soups or add to gravy.
- Bug Farming alternatives, with recommendation on which bugs are best for any given use. For
example some could be grown only to feed fish.
- Trapping Technology for bugs, birds, animals.
- Permaculture Tips in an abreviated list to add to the list already begun for the Food page. These
tips should be appropriate for Aftertime living circumstances.
- Mold Control - a problem facing indoor gardeners in damp, gloomy weather will be mold and
fungus, and commercial chemical controls will probably be unavailable.
- Effective after pole shift Lead in Water Measurement strategies. After pole shift ways of
removing lead from drinking water and human bodies.
- Sources of Shock Proof Products designed to survive shocks. May be industrial strength products
or meeting military specifications, etc. Assumed also to be appropriately padded during a massive
earthquake, but nevertheless jolted.
- Translations of Troubled Times into languages other than English.
- Analysis of current Ham Radio Equipment to recommend what brands and types of equipment will
work and which are the best. Detailed strategy laid out of must-have to optional equipment for each
survival site.
- Plan, test and recommend a way to Utilize Meteor Trail ionization to communicate after the pole
- Sources for Maintainable Products - those that will also be durable enough to withstand
earthquakes and dampness, but most importantly are easily repaired with parts that can be
manufactured by the average person with materials at hand.
- Possibilities that are available for low cost Quickly Constructable Buildings that can be built after
the pole shift. Need different price ranges, quality and options explained. As an example:
Prefabricated metal building parts are a strong possibility.
- Possibilities that are available for Underground Storage containers, such as culverts (metal,
concrete, etc.). Cost, strength and shipping cost.
- Find a good source for Wooden Shipping/Storage Boxes that one could also use to make housing
after the pole shift.