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Path Plot of Red vs White Personas vs Coordinates

Based on the Planet X White and Red Personas for Jan 10, 2003, I created an updated illustration of the Course Plot of Planet X from Oct 11 to Jan 10, a 3 month period. [dated Jan 10, 2003]
J. William Dell

In the images taken from Arizona, even in the dead of winter during the Winter Solstice, the view is looking south toward the southern hemisphere at all times. Thus, if the core is pulling the Red Light down, then the Red Persona should always be below the White Persona, for us. However, during November, when the coordinate path took a dip, the Red Persona was found above the White Persona. The Zetas explain.

We have explained that Planet X is primarily in a dead-on plunge toward the Sun, but is subject to influences along this path.

So, what was the influence that cause the White Light Persona to appear to be dropped in its retrograde path, and the Red Light Persona to appear to be above the White, not pulled down by the core of the Earth to arrive from the southern skies to a scope in Arizona? The same influence that drove the White light down pulled the Red light up, but this was not gravity, not a gravity influence. Thus, the Planet X complex was not moved from its straight line retrograde motion during these weeks in November, 2002, but appeared to be so. Until this time period passed, and the aberration was evident from before and after image session, we deferred explaining this, as it would have incurred ridicule for the team. However, now that the results are in, our explanation will be recognized as having a basis.
ZetaTalk™ (dated Jan 10, 2003)