The Results
Right now here's where I'm at with making model domes from straws:
- The first dome (as depicted in the picture I put up) was a dismal failure, although it's still my
favorite shape.
- I found internet sites dealing with making spheres and dodecahedrons and things like that out of
paper. I made 2 dodecahedrons so far, and am working on a large one now out of strong
posterboard. You can throw the small ones I made up against the wall real hard without them
breaking apart, despite the lack of glue tape.
- I made a small tetrahedron from 6 straws and 1 long piece of string, and tried to smash the thing
between my hands. It didn't budge. Very strong shape. Now if I stomped on it, it would break
because the twine I'm using is not all that great and stretches out. But you get the idea.
- Tried a dome-inside-a-dome, where the inner dome is attached to a slightly larger one with short
segments. Didn't work this time but it might work on the geodesic.
- I'm making a whole geodesic sphere right now. I think geodesic might be the way to go, but only time
will tell. (and it's taking a long time.)
Thats about it. The trick with this string thing is to use the tension of the string to hold all the stuff
together, as in the tetrahedron, I think. So I'm making the geodesic globe with this in mind.
Offered by Joe.