Measles Vaccine
Due to the reluctance of parents to have their kids vaccinated
for any disease,
there is a large pool of people who are vulnerable to the
measles virus. Now there is an epidemic, and measles is a
serious illness that can cause brain damage and death. Vaccines
also carry
risks. Once again vaccines, and their safety, are thrust
into the news. The Zetas weigh in. No vaccines carry deliberate
poisons at the present time, and the public should consider how
dread these diseases are before rejecting vaccines.

- Trump: People 'Have to Get their
Shots' amid Measles Crisis
April 26, 2019
- President Donald Trump implored
Americans to get vaccinated amid a massive measles
outbreak, in a departure from his past skepticism about
vaccines. Trump weighed in for the first time on the
growing crisis that has seen 695 measles cases in 2019,
the worst outbreak since the disease was declared
eliminated two decades ago, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
- 72 Measles-Related Deaths in the
Americas During 2018
September 25th, 2018
- The Pan American Health
Organization (PAHO) said that 6,629 measles cases,
including 72 deaths, from 11 countries have been reported
in North, Central, and South America. The vast majority of
these measles cases are from Venezuela, which reported
4,605 cases, and 62 deaths.

- Can Measles Vaccine Cause Injury
& Death?
November 30, 2018
- There have been more than 93,179
reports of measles vaccine reactions, hospitalizations,
injuries and deaths following measles vaccinations made to
the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
- Measles Quick Facts
- Complications of measles can
include bronchitis, diarrhea, ear infections, pneumonia,
seizures, encephalitis and death. In 1960, three years
before the first measles vaccine was put on the market in
the U.S., there were about 442,000 reported measles cases
and 380 related deaths, among the 3.5 to 5 million
Americans who were likely infected with measles.

ZetaTalk Evaluation
4/30/2019: Are
the measles vaccines safe? As safe as any vaccine, and they
should absolutely be taken to safeguard not only the
vaccinated but to halt the spread of epidemics. Measles can be
deadly or leave the victim devastated. When the Bush
administration was in charge, in 2004, we warned of plans by
the establishment to poison unwanted elements in the
population via vaccines. Since that time there have been no
plans by any establishment to poison the population via
vaccines. Those advising avoidance of all vaccines should look
to the past, when dread diseases swept through the populace.
Choose wisely.
ZetaTalk Warning
10/7/2004: How
to eliminate the aged, the sick, and those too young to be put
to work as child labor? How is it that an entire production of
flu vaccine would be polluted, in a manner that failed notice
up until the end? Are there not quality control checks? Should
the establishment find the pole shift precursors upon them,
the world twirling and standing on its head, so that steps to
reduce the populace can be initiated with confidence no
backlash would occur, vaccinations are a route open to be
used. We would suggest that should such Earth changes
commence, the last thing the population will be concerned
about is the flu.
What about the relationship of vaccines to autism. This link has
been asserted to be due to mercury in the vaccine, but even when
all mercury has been removed,
the autism rate has continued
to climb. Are there other factors at work? The Zetas have
pointed to high stress levels, the development of childhood
schizophrenia in young children. Studies have also shown an
autoimmune cause for autism, where the mother has formed
antibodies to the fetal brain, and this continues in the infant.
In this regard, Trump’s warning to avoid a vaccine onslaught is
on target, so that the immune system is not overstimulated
during vaccination.

- Trump: People 'have to Get their
Shots' amid Measles Crisis
April 26, 2019
- The measles outbreak in the U.S.
has been exacerbated by a growing fear of vaccines in some
communities, including the debunked theory that vaccines
cause autism. Trump promoted this false sentiment before
his election, railing against “monstrous combined
vaccines” and pushing for children to receive smaller
doses of vaccines over longer spans of time.
- Autoimmune Theories
- One possible cause of autism may
involve faulty immune regulation, in particular,
autoimmunity. Among 33 autistic children (less than or
equal to 10 years of age) compared to 18 age-matched
normal children, antibodies to myelin basic protein were
found in 19 of 33 ( 58%) sera from autistic children as
compared to only 7 of 50 ( 7% ) sera from control
children. Immunological testing of autistic children has
shown certain features that are also found in patients
with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus
erythematosus, thyroid disease, ankylosing spondylitis,
rheumatoid arthritis, insulin-dependent diabetes, and
multiple sclerosis. Maternal antibodies in autism were
ZetaTalk Evaluation
The Anti-Vax movement is
strong because of the association of autism with childhood
vaccination. Autism is on the rise for
many reasons, primarily due to the tension and anxiety
mothers and young feel due to the Earth changes. Nibiru is
denied, so there can be no action plan for what the mother and
child feel is pending doom. Thus the tension. Most adverse
vaccine reactions are due to the development of autoimmune
Maternal antibodies to fetal
brain cells have been noted in the mother in autism cases,
where both mother and child attack the child’s brain due to an
overactive immune response. Autoimmune devastation was noted
during the swine
flu vaccine in 1976, which was so connected to the
incidence of Guillain Barre that the vaccination program was
stopped. As President Trump noted, there is safety in avoiding
an onslaught of vaccines, which are better administered in
smaller doses.
The awakened public has gotten used to the idea of airplanes
crashing or electric trains derailing as they zip around curves
or unexplained blackouts or outages in Internet services – all
due to the increase in electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) caused by
the charged tail of Nibiru that is increasingly wafting the
Earth. But what could be causing the rash of exploding factories
lately? Per the Zetas, since manufacturing is often controlled
by computers or electronics, manufacturing too can be affected
by EMP.

- Investigators Working to Determine
Cause of Deadly Plant Explosion
April 3, 2019
- Just three weeks after there was
a fire at an Exxon facility in Baytown and the ITC fire in
Deer Park broke out, an investigation is underway into
Houston’s third chemical fire and explosion that rocked
the Crosby area. Investigators with the Harris County Fire
Marshal’s Office are conducting an investigation to
determine where exactly the fire started and what sparked
- A Raging Fire Ripped through a
Leading Russian Missile-Making Plant in Siberia
April 26, 2019
- Toxic plumes of black smoke were
seen pouring from the secretive KrasMash complex with
reports of ‘explosions’.
- Explosions rock Tata Steel works in
South Wales; 2 Injured
April 26, 2019
- Police say early indications are
that the explosions were caused by a train used to carry
molten metal into the plant.

- An Illinois Silicone Plant Explosion
left 3 Dead
May 4, 2019
- The blast happened at AB
Specialty Silicones in Waukegan, about 40 miles north of
Chicago. The company describes itself as a manufacturer of
specialty silicone chemicals. The fire has been
extinguished, and hazardous materials technicians and
other teams are on the scene and searching. No cause has
been determined, and the state fire marshal will assist
with an investigation.
- At Least 47 Killed in China Chemical
Plant Explosion
March 21, 2019
- At least 47 people were killed in
an explosion at a chemical plant in eastern China’s
Jiangsu province. Schoolchildren were among dozens of
others who were seriously injured. Online maps show that
there are at least 10 schools within a 5km radius of the
site. The cause of the blast is still under investigation.
However, state media said the chemical plant produces more
than 30 organic chemical compounds, some of which are
highly flammable. The factory has been cited and fined for
work safety violations in the past.
ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2019: The
rash of exploding factories lately seem to be always under
investigation, with no cause given. Where explosions occur in
petrol plants, or where missile fuel is stored, the assumption
is that a spark caused the explosion. The 3 explosions near
Houston occurred sequentially, one after the other in close
proximity and time. Why Houston? And why just now? Explosive
chemicals do not account for the miscarriage of molten iron at
Tata in the UK nor a Silicone plant near Chicago nor a
pesticide plant in China.
Where the awakened public has become accustomed to hearing
about blackouts or crashing airplanes, all due to
Electro-magnetic pulse (EMP), it is only lately that the
charged tail of Nibiru has touched down to Earth. This
occurred when a neon cloud caused a blackout
in New York City and simultaneous outage to Direct Link.
Manufacturing plants are controlled by electrical devices,
often computer controlled. Particularly if directed by wifi,
these are all affected by EMP, and thus can malfunction.
Zetas Right Again
Two weeks ago we featured examples of Zetas Right
Again, but before we move on from this subject there are a few
more notable examples that would not fit in that newsletter.
There are hundreds of examples documented and undocumented, as
this Pole
Shift ning blog shows.

The Zetas stated in 1995 there was an Earth
Dark Twin, sharing Earth’s orbit and normally placed
exactly opposite the Earth in their shared orbit. When the Earth
stalled in her orbit after encountering Nibiru in her path, the
Dark Twin crept up behind the Earth, and was visible to those on
Earth looking West, back along that orbit, as numerous photos
show. This dead black rock has a blue cast, as it absorbs all
other light rays. From 2004 to the present day, the reality of
the Dark Twin is apparent.
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: They
are currently parked on the surface of planets in your Solar
System - Mars, the Moon, and a dead planet in orbit opposite
your Earth, which you never see as the Sun blocks your view.

From the start of the ZetaTalk saga in 1998 the Zetas described
the debris in the tail
of Nibiru, which wafts Earth during the approach and passage. By
2019 this trash could be clearly seen in closeup photos of the
region around the Sun, and fireballs and bolides screaming
through the atmosphere have become a common event.
ZetaTalk Statement
10/15/1998: The
approach of the 12th Planet is accompanied by a great deal
more than just the planet and its moons, which are trailing
like so many ducklings behind their mother. There is an
immense amount of trash, that also makes this route, loosely
connected but not tightly joined.
In describing the Family of Man, the Zetas said there were 6
races genetically engineered out of apes: White Man, Black Man,
China Man, Gypsy Man, Indonesia Man and a race that did not
survive – Angola Man. Indonesia Man can basically be seen in the
Australian Aboriginals, but where
are their ancestors? Then in 2004, a Hobbit version of early man
was discovered in Indonesia and fit the Zeta description, as National
Geographic describes. “They
had slightly longer arms than us. More conspicuously, they
had hard, thicker eyebrow ridges than us, a sharply sloping
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: Indonesian
Man was short and stocky, with a rounded belly. He had a
dominant forehead which protruded out over his eye sockets,
giving him the natural equivalent of shades.
In 2015, a new species of early man was discovered in a cave in
eastern South Africa - Homo Naledi.
This was unlike any of the other African variations of early
man. Per the Zetas, this was Gypsy Man, yet another of the 6
races of man detailed in 1995 that had been genetically
engineered. How did it get to India? Look at Pangea, where India
snugged up against Africa in the past. Quoting
RT in 2015: “Scientists
in South Africa have unearthed a new species of human
relative. H. Naledi has extremely curved fingers, more
curved than almost any other species of early hominin, which
clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities. Its feet and
long legs suggest that the species was well-suited for
long-distance walking.”
ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: Gypsy
Man, as the name implied, moved about. His descendants can be
seen in India and the surrounding countries, in the Arab
countries, and, of course, in the Gypsies themselves. Gypsy
Man was slight, and slid from confrontation, a factor of his
hominoid genetics as well as the root ape, which took to the
trees to escape and confronted only when escape was not

In 1995 the Zetas were asked
about the hidden chamber in the Great Pyramids, which had no
entry or exit except for a long shaft so small only a rat could
crawl through it. The shaft was at an angle. The Zetas stated
this was a sighting device, to announce when the home planet of
the Annunaki, Niburu, was inbound from the direction of the
constellation Orion. In 2015 a similar arrangement in a
Mexican pyramid showed such a sighting device, a
reflective pool of mercury. “A
large quantity of liquid mercury, sealed for nearly 1,800
years, has been discovered in a chamber under a pre-Aztec
pyramid in Mexico's Teotihuacan city. The Mexican
archaeologist who found the metal was hunting for a royal
tomb in a deep, sacred tunnel beneath the pyramid. “
ZetaTalk Comment
11/15/1995: The
occupant was a liquid, pooled in the shallow basin and
reflecting light outward only when light shown down the long
tunnel at that particular angle - the light from the
approaching Nibiru.

Throughout the ZetaTalk saga, and from the start, Nancy provided
drawings of the Zeta appearance. The famous ZetaTalk face was
drawn by Nancy’s son. In 2011 the Skinny
Bob film footage was released, and the alignment to
Nancy’s drawings and the ZetaTalk face is astonishing. The
length of the arms to the knee, the long fingers, the high
cheekbones and tiny vertical nose – all align. This tape has
been scrutinized by many and deemed a legitimate recording from
the era after Roswell.
Schumann Vibration
The Schumann Resonance has been spiking above its normal 7.83
Hz for over a decade, reflecting the blast of electro-magnetic
particles hosed at the Earth from the N Pole of Nibiru, and from
the charged tail of Nibiru which wafts the Earth. EMP assaulting
mankind’s electronics has increased steadily. But wait, Nibiru
is not done yet. Very recently the Schumann Resonance has
developed a vibration, 100 jiggles every 24 hours! The Zetas, of
course, explain.

ZetaTalk Explanation
5/31/2019: What
is the Schumann Resonance vibration? As Nibiru comes closer,
this has become a regular feature in the Schumann Resonance
readings, and lately, pronounced. As we explained, the
Schumann Resonance is a
throbbing of the Earth’s magnetosphere, which are bands
of magnetons flowing from the N Pole to the S Pole of Earth.
These rivers of magnetons throb, as a crowing of particles
will disburse within the river, and then due to natural
attraction among like particles, will come together again.
The Schumann Resonance
records not only this magnetosphere throbbing, but also the
resulting broad electro-magnetic
pulsing of the Earth itself within the bounds of its
ionosphere. Thus the recently noted vibration is yet another
manifestation. We have 1. the throbbing rivers of magnetons in
the Earth’s field, 2. the electro-magnetic pulsing
of the atmosphere between the Earth itself and its
ionosphere, and 3. A reaction within the Earth itself which
has become more electrified than formerly.
We have spoken of the
electronic screech produced from compressed rock, when air
pockets in the rock are squeezed so as to allow electricity to
flow through the rock without resistance. As the Earth’s
crustal plates are increasingly shoved against each other by
the increasingly violent daily Earth wobble, this screech has
likewise increased into a crescendo. Why is this new vibration
in the electro-magnetic space between Earth and its ionosphere
so regular? It is keyed to the rotation of the Earth itself,
which creates a tugging.
The screech attaches to the
pulse in the atmosphere, which is then jerked apart by the
rotation, and then reattaches. This is all driven by the
hosing of magnetons coming from the N Pole of Nibiru, which is
essentially pointed directly at the Earth at the present time.
This is not a steady state, as the charged tail of Nibiru
wafts Earth in an irregular manner. Thus the Schumann
Resonance charts show the blasts from Nibiru as white hot
lines, the pace of electro-magnetic excitation by the increase
from 7.83 Hz, and now a vibration in the crust from tugging
during rotation.