Annunaki Bloodline
The Annunaki are genetically close enough to man to be able to
interbreed, and have done so in the past while they occupied
Earth to mine for Gold, slave masters over early man whom they
put into the mines. Per the Zetas, David in the David and
Goliath legend was a half-breed, fighting a full-blood Annunaki
in Goliath.
ZetaTalk Explanation
7/15/1997: Most
often, a female slave that had been impregnated would die in
childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant, taking her
infant with her. On rare occasions half-breeds survived, often
without their mothers who bled to death or were torn beyond
repair. David’s mother, like he, bore genes from a half-breed,
and thus had the hips to bear the product of rape and live.
Annunaki genes are thus present in the population, and Annunaki
hybrids have and do exist in remote areas on Earth, as was
recently discovered near Patagonia.

ZetaTalk Comment
2/4/2012: When
this hybrid cluster encountered European explorers, they like
the American Indians recognized a threat to their existence,
though at first they greeted the explorers and were curious.
They withdrew, and have kept themselves separate from strictly
human society to avoid hostile reactions.
Should it be any surprise then, that yet another cluster of
Annuaki-human hybrids has been discovered? In the past, the
Qiang people in China were over 7 foot tall and had odd front
teeth in their narrow lower jaws, as archeological digs show.
The mummies are dated to approximately 3,800 years ago, in
recent times, and had a dairy diet not unlike the Mongols of

- The Mystery of the Xiaohe Mummies in
June 23, 2013
- The coffins were made of wood and
shaped like boats, buried upside down, which is similar to
the Egyptian concept of the boat to take the Pharaohs to
the land of the ‘Gods’. Dating of the area has shown that
it goes back to approximately 2,000 BC and they appear to
be of Caucasoid origin. However DNA analysis of the bodies
have shown that it is a mixture of population from East
and West. The males were found to have chromosomes usually
found in Northern and Eastern Europe and DNA found in
- World's Oldest Cheese Found On
3,800-Year-Old Mummies Buried In China
March 1, 2014
- The mummies, which are each about
3,800 years old, were buried with hunks of the dairy
treat, presumably a tasty snack for the buried to enjoy in
the afterlife. Makers likely fermented this cheese using
microbes such as Lactobacillus and Saccharomycetaceae
yeasts, which are commonly used to make the still-popular
fermented dairy beverage known as kefir.
- Archaeologists Announce Qiang People
had Vertically Oriented Teeth and Longer Skeletons
February 16, 2014
- The skull shows an unusual
characteristic in which the teeth are vertically oriented
instead of horizontally. In addition, the
researchers have revealed that the skeleton recovered from
the tomb measured a massive 2.3 metres (7 feet 6
inches). That skeleton is 4,000 years old and
belonged to the Qiang people, an ethnic group of China who
live mainly in mountainous region in the north-western
part of Sichuan province on the eastern edge of the
Tibetan plateau. The Qiang people have been recognised as
a ‘first ancestor’ culture due to their ancient roots.
Interestingly, the region where the tomb was uncovered is
in the same region where the well-known Tarim mummies with
Caucasoid features were recovered. The mummies were found
to have typical Europoid body features (elongated bodies,
angular faces, recessed eyes), and many of them have their
hair physically intact, ranging in colour from blond to
red to deep brown. Like the Qiang skeleton, the Tarim
mummies were also found to be very tall.
The Anunaki are large, as their home planet has a 50% stronger
gravity pull than Earth. Considered giants, they are close to 8
foot tall, muscular but not with bulging overdeveloped muscles,
and not given to being obese. Their faces are long and thin.

ZetaTalk Description
7/15/1995: The
giant hominoids were not grossly muscular, as mankind's
over-developed muscle men are. They were and are well
proportioned, with rounded muscles but without the extreme
bulging that muscle-men try to achieve. The giant hominoids
had long faces.
ZetaTalk Insight
7/15/1997: Ancient
Egyptian gods, ancient Babylonian gods, the Vizigoths of
Germany, ancient Mayan and Incan gods, are almost to a one
particular individuals from the 12th Planet royalty, stationed
on Earth to supervise mining operations. Stories about ancient
rebels, notable for their stature and courage in battle, are
also frequently based in part on the heritage from these
visitors, as the rebel most often carried some genetics from
the rape of a female slave who managed somehow to escape and
bear her oversized infant alive. The legacy today is
genetically disbursed throughout the mid-eastern countries,
Germanic countries, and the south seas, and is identifiable in
those humans who simultaneously possess a large stature, a
fierce temper, and strong musculature. Rather than being
considered gods, they are often considered criminals.
The Zetas have described the Annunaki stature and temperament,
but have never addressed their teeth! The issue never came up.
But given that their faces were long and thin, might their lower
jaws have had an adaptation that early man did not?
ZetaTalk Insight
3/8/2014: Clearly
these Qiang people, tall and with white skin and odd front
teeth, were not just a combination of early man, migrating
from Europe and merging with China Man.
That their lifestyle as living on dairy has a match in
Mongolia is clear. The Mongols likewise have a diet heavily
reliant on dairy products. Their DNA has been matched to that
from northern Europe. But what of the narrow front jaw with
lower front teeth placed sideways. In modern humans, a tight
jaw space creates overlapping lower front teeth, not a neat
arrangement where the teeth are placed sideways. This,
combined with the tall stature, suggests a mix with Annunaki
DNA, and this suggestion is correct. The ancient Qiang had a
heavy dose of Annunaki DNA, with the sideways placement of
teeth in the narrow lower jaw so typical of the Annunaki, and
the tall lanky stature of the Annunaki . This has since been
muted, among the Chinese and Mongols, by constant
Can the evidence of this Annunaki blood be seen in Mongolia
today? They are a hardy people, and many have a thin, pointed
jaw, unlike the round faces typical of the Chinese people.

The Qiang people live today on the Tibetan Plateau, just south
of Mongolia.

Genghis Khan of course came from Mongolia, his Mongolian hoard
rampaging across the Eurasian continent from coast to coast. His
leadership was noted for intelligence and brutality toward the
vanquished – both of which might be considered Annunaki traits.
Genetic research reveals that DNA from this Mongolian hoard can
be found in the countries occupied, so it is not just the Qiang
people who carry this DNA!
- Qiang People
- The Qiang people live mainly in
mountainous region in the northwestern part of Sichuan
province on the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau.
- Ghenghis Khan
- Genghis Khan (1162 – 1227), the
founder of the largest contiguous land empire, the Mongol
Empire, ever established. He united the Mongol
tribes and forged a powerful army based on meritocracy,
and became one of the most successful military leaders in
history. Genghis Kahn's forces were practically
invincible, as they combined mobility, discipline,
adaptability, strategy, strength, and endurance in direct
battle with skills in intelligence gathering,
psychological warfare, siege warfare, and superb
communications. Their battles were brutal. The Mongol
Empire ended up ruling, or at least briefly conquering,
large parts of modern day China, Mongolia, Russia,
Ukraine, Korea, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Iran,
Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, Kuwait, Poland, and
- Genghis Khan a Prolific Lover, DNA
Data Implies
February 14, 2003
- Genghis Khan, the fearsome
Mongolian warrior of the 13th century, may have done more
than rule the largest empire in the world; according to a
recently published genetic study, he may have helped
populate it too. Khan's empire at the time of his death
extended across Asia, from the Pacific Ocean to the
Caspian Sea. His military conquests were frequently
characterized by the wholesale slaughter of the
vanquished. His descendants extended the empire and
maintained power in the region for several hundred years,
in civilizations in which harems and concubines were the
norm. And the males were markedly prolific.
Aftertime Postures
How much of the border tensions emerging around the Ukraine and
the East China Sea are due to Aftertime posturing? The Ukraine
turmoil is cast as being due to ethnic loyalties and a historic
Russian naval base in the Crimea. The East China Sea conflict is
cast as due to fishing rights and the potential of oil deposits.
The US is a debtor nation and must shrink its military due to
budget cuts. But per the Zetas, to understand these conflicts
and adjustments, one must also look to Aftertime posturing.

- Russia and China Stand in Agreement on
March 3, 2014
- Russia and China hold
approximately 25 percent of all foreign-owned U.S. debt,
and if they started massively dumping U.S. debt it could
rapidly create a nightmare scenario. In
addition, it is important to remember that Russia is the
largest exporter of natural gas and the second
largest exporter of oil in the world. And China
now imports more oil than anyone else on the planet does,
including the United States. If Russia and China got
together and decided to kill the petrodollar, they
could do it almost overnight. So when it comes to
Ukraine, it is definitely not the United States that has
the leverage.
- China Says Military will Respond to
March 4, 2014
- China supports resolving disputes
through negotiations and its 2.3 million-member People's
Liberation Army — the world's largest — is for defensive
purposes only. Remarks came amid festering disputes
between China and its neighbors over the control of
islands and sea lanes in surrounding oceans. There has
been a sharp escalation of tensions with Japan in the past
18 months over control of a string of tiny uninhabited
islands in the East China Sea. China is to announce its
latest defense budget on Wednesday. Spending on the armed
forces rose 10.7 percent last year to 720 billion yuan
($114 billion), the most for any nation apart from the
- Why Are China and Japan Inching Toward
War Over Five Tiny Islands?
February 25, 2013
- But since the early ’70s, China
has argued that Japan seized the islands in violation of
international law. China argues it owned the islands
before 1895, based on some ancient Chinese texts and maps
that it says show that the Chinese regarded the islands as
theirs, which would mean Japan’s seizure of the islands
violated China’s rights.
- Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to
Pre-World War II Level
February 23, 2014
- Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
plans to shrink the United States Army to its smallest
force since before the World War II buildup and eliminate
an entire class of Air Force attack jets in a new spending
proposal that officials describe as the first Pentagon
budget to aggressively push the military off the war
footing adopted after the terror attacks of 2001.

The Earth changes during the 7 of 10 plate movements will bring
the migration and sociological changes anticipated as part of
the 8 of 10 phase, which can be seen from the distribution of
the world’s
population and the anticipated Aftertime flooding.

ZetaTalk Insight
3/8/2014: How
does the timing of the announcement admitting the presence of
Nibiru, aka Planet X, relate to the current turmoil in the
Ukraine, the ongoing dispute between China and Japan over East
China Sea islands, and the US decision to reduce its troop
size to levels not seen prior to World War II? Side issues can
be cited, such as divided loyalties in the Ukraine and the
Crimea as a Russian naval base, and such as fishing rights or
oil deposits in the East China Sea, and the budget cuts the US
has been forced to make. But to understand the real motives
behind these actions, one must look to migration concerns on
the post announcement map.
One has only to look at the
Aftertime map compiled by Nancy at the start of the ZetaTalk
saga to understand why both Russia and China are braced for
immigration assaults in the midst of their own internal
migration struggles. Almost the entire eastern portion of
Russia will be under water in the Aftertime. The population of
Russia, estimated at 150 million, is clustered in the West,
and must be moved. This move includes Moscow and the Kremlin.
Russia is making it clear that it will not allow European
nations to take advantage of it during the anticipated
China has a massive
population, estimated at 1.4 billion, and likewise must move
this population from its populous coastline, which will flood.
This includes Beijing, the political center of China. China
must likewise be concerned about the climate change that will
descent on its southern provinces when India becomes the
globe’s new S Pole. This is another population shift of
immense proportions. China has made it clear in its stance in
Tibet and in the East China Seas that it does not intend to
let those drowning in India, Bangladesh, and Indonesia migrate
to high land in China. Where will the combined population of
these drowning countries, estimated at more than 1.6 billion,
Countries that have looked to
the US for protection, such as Japan and Europe under
alliances following World War II, must anticipate that the US
will look to its own needs as the Earth changes stress the US
during its budgetary crises. The US can no longer be the
world’s big brother, protector, or police force. The US will
be afflicted with Aftertime and Pole Shift flooding. The
south-east US will be pulled down into disasters and flooding
well before the Last Weeks. The East Coast of the US is its
most populous area. The US will be hit with a New Madrid
adjustment that will leave it reeling, distribution lines
across the Mississippi that include gas and oil from the Gulf
disrupted permanently. Where the US has friendly neighbors in
Canada and Mexico, they are a target nation by much of the
world as they have until recently been considered the most
prosperous nation in the world. This legacy will hurt them
during the coming times.
ZetaTalk Outreach
Two new Mirror Sites have been recently added. A second mirror
in Africa in Namibia hosted
by Africa
Online, the largest ISP in Africa. Based in Kenya, Africa
Online stretches across ten African countries via land lines,
giving broad access of the ZetaTalk message even when coastal
cables might be ripped and the satellites torn from the skies.
Our first African mirror is in S Africa. A second mirror has
been established in S America in Colombia.
Our first S American mirror is in Argentina, stretching overland
up through Brazil and down to the tip of S America. Given the
extensive flooding anticipated in the Amazon, and given the
damage that might be done to land lines in the Andes subject to
mountain building, a second mirror physically located in the
northern portion of S America was sought. Given the key role of
Colombia as a migration hub on high land in the Aftertime, the
second S American mirror is thus being hosted in Colombia by
Conexcol. This mirror will also serve the Caribbean islands and
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