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Sep 26 SunRISE in Missouri#1 : 10 minutes LATE
Sept. 26 the sun was 10 minutes late in rising. This approximate, because of some clouds.
Sep 26 NOON in Poland : 17 minutes LATE
Shadow check Krakow, Poland * time the shadow arrive same position SEP26- 10:44 -26 from last * shadow of Krakow moving distance(for 30 minute) SEP26 - 11 mm ( 11:00-11:30) Sun transit 11:51 -10 from last CHANGE -1Last -26 +10Transit = 42L
Sep 26 NOON in El Paso : 65 minutes LATE
On each day, Friday-Sunday, 09-26 thru 28-03, in El Paso, the Sun reached Noon position @ 1407 hrs MDT.
Sep 26 SunSET in Missouri#1 : 25 minutes LATE
Sept. 26 the sunset was 25 minutes late in finishing. Twilight also held on. There were dramatic red clouds at sunset, something not seen before in this area. A small but violent storm had ripped thru the area earlier in the afternoon.