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- Signs of the Times #1489
- Airing twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays on the Blog radio, and in the Archives thereafter for free listening, The Connection
featuring Nancy has broadcast or recorded the following information packed shows as of the present date [Aug 31]. Audio questions
are also being gathered to be featured on future shows. For those unable to listen to audio on their PC's, the scripts for the various
shows are now available as links from the ZetaTalk Media page. Currently available for the shows for Aug 1, Aug 3, Aug 8, Aug 10,
Aug 15, Aug 17, Aug 22, Aug 24, Aug 29, and Aug 31, some of these the shows noted in Sign #1487 below.
- Aug 24 - Waterworlds, and Other Alien Habitats Percentage of planets that can bear life, or evolve intelligent life. Why intelligent
reptiles or fish or even insects evolve. Description by Nancy of the many varieties of life forms she has been introduced to, and how
they interacted. The variety of hominoid types visiting Earth, the Praying Mantis not an insect and the Zetas grays not reptilian. Which
visitors have contributed their DNA during mankind's genetic engineering in the past. Why contactees often consider their visitors
ugly, and what happens during a visitation when the contactee or visitor would normally eat the other. Why we have little contact with
Earth resident neighbors like Bigfoot or the Men-in-Black. Whether some life forms are inherently cold hearted, and others warm
hearted, and how this affects the evolution of the soul. Detail description of the waterworld where many souls on Earth will
reincarnate into after the pole shift.
- Aug 29 - The Double Lives of Contactees Clues that you are a contactee, such as allergies or ear problems or brain buzz or sudden loss
of balance or sleep paralysis, and why these relate. Implants and how they operate as locating devices. Why the term abductee is not
correct. Who resents the alien presence, and how this relates to why many contactees find they cannot recall their visits. What
contactees need to fear from their government or others who might mistreat them. Why visitations are thus recorded only in the
subconscious at present, and how to retrieve them. Hypnosis tips. Dream states as a means to recall. Typical visitation scenarios, with
description of Nancy's first meeting with the Zetas. Nancy's unusual implant where her 3rd eye is sited, and the scar that resulted.
Contactee groups and the synergy that occurs there.
- Aug 31 - Survivors, a Matter of Mindset What will be left, of our civilized world, after the pole shift? The physical infrastructure will
operate on the broken link philosophy, and be very broken. Rescue from governments or charities will not occur, as the whole world
has been affected. Starvation, and how to deal with this when there is not enough to go around. The death rate, and what parts of the
globe or society are most affected. Surprising changes of survival among the affluent or working class. What health problems will spell
doom, and which may surprisingly disappear. In what way benign aliens will assist survivors, and which survivors qualify for this
assistance. Why existing forms of government will likely collapse. How survival communities will govern themselves, the surprising
leadership options, and how they should deal with demands from the self centered. And why the barter system will become the mode.
- Sep 5 - Survival Solutions, an Overview Living through and after the pole shift, the likely situations survivors will find themselves in,
and solutions on how to handle this. From being on foot with a backpack, eating bugs and weeds and wiping with moss and leaves, to
settlements with electricity and tap water and gardens and herds and flocks. Information from the Troubled Times web site and
suggested book list, in an overview format to help the listener understand the range of solutions that exist. Includes backpack
contents, distilling drinking water, eating bugs and weeds, hunting and fishing methods, emergency medical procedures when there is
no doctor, herbal medicine, saving seeds, flocks and herds, installing wells and hand pumps, outhouse options, 12 Volt electricity,
wood gas powered cars, hand tools, making soap and vinegar, spinning and weaving cloth and tanning leather, housing options and
recipe for cement.
- Signs of the Times #1488
- Four-star general sacked [Aug 10] http://premium.cnn.com/ 'In an extraordinary move, the Army sacked a four-star general who was
the subject of a Defense Department investigation into alleged sexual misconduct, an official said Tuesday. Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes,
commander of Army Training and Doctrine Command, was approaching retirement when the decision to relieve him of duty was.
Byrnes, 55, a Vietnam veteran, ranked third in seniority among the Army's 11 four-star generals. In his position as commander of
Training and Doctrine Command, Byrnes oversaw all Army training programs and the development of war-fighting guidelines. Among
the four-star general or flag officers to have been relieved of command in recent years was Navy Adm. Richard C. Macke, sacked as
commander of Pacific Command in 1995 for remarks he made about the case of U.S. Marines accused of raping a 12-year-old
Japanese girl. Gen. Michael Dugan was fired as chief of staff of the Air Force in 1990 for comments to reporters about planning for
the 1991 Gulf War. [and from another source] Bush may think that firing a top general will set an example to the rest, and stop what
has become increasingly an open rebellion in the military, but the opposite will be the effect. For every head cut off, more will grow.
Bush sees the grim military faces, forced to attend his frequent pep talks to the public using them as backdrops, and imagines this
cooperation. Has he not noticed the smiles fading? The lack of applause, even on orders? The word gets down to the lower echelons,
that the officers no longer consider Bush their commander, and rebellion is afoot. This flashes about on the Internet as rumors of a
coup, but this is not the result. The result is increasing refusal to follow direct orders. Up and down the line. Just how many court
martials can the military entertain, simultaneously? Historically, when a military turns against a king, the king has lost his footing and
is doomed. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Decapitation Process]
- Signs of the Times #1487
- Airing twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays on the Blog radio, and in the Archives thereafter for free listening, The Connection
featuring Nancy has broadcast or recorded the following information packed shows as of the present date [Aug 14]. Audio questions
are also being gathered to be featured on future shows.
Aug 1 - The Passage in Prophecy and Legend. Covering Sitchin´s book The 12th Planet, Washington Post re 1983 discovery,
intriguing graphic from 1983 encyclopedia on the Pioneer probes, Immanuel Velikovsky´s book Worlds in Collision, the Oashpe, a
channeled book, the Kolbrin, a parallel Bible, books of the Bible such as Revelations, ancient Babylonian stellas, Islamic texts such as
The Twelfth Iman and the Hadiths, the Visuddhi-Magga, NewsMax re a Pope John Paul utterance, Plato from his Politicus, Egar
Cayce readings, and of course ZetaTalk.
Aug 3 - The Kolbrin, Secrets Revealed. Extensive quotes from the Kolbrin and ZetaTalk comparisons, covering details on what
occurred during the Flood and the Exodus, and what to anticipate this next time around. Includes what signs Noah used as a clue that
he should start building his arc, what Noah included in his arc beyond the animals two-by-two, how extensive flood tides are during
pole shifts and the Zetas advice re this, clues as to how quickly the last days descended on mankind prior to these pole shifts,
descriptions of the horrific appearance of what the Kolbrin calls the Destroyer, how mankind reacted to the devastation by becoming
mad or looting and lawlessness.
Aug 8 - Who Runs the World? Discussing the Illuminati, and how they fit into a world dominated by the Puppet Masters and their
Puppets. The role money plays in controlling the world's affairs. How those on top of the pile will react when a gobal financial crash
finally occurs, and the methods used to maintain the house of cards in the mean time. How the elite try to keep the sheeple in the dark
about the coming pole shift, and why the coverup is becoming more difficult to maintain. What those at the top fear the most, and their
desire to use Martial Law to control the populace when the panic they fear finally breaks out, and the early tests used to determine the
gullibility of the populace, who are to be led by sheep to their slaughter.
Aug 10 - Whither the Weather? A summary of the increasingly extreme weather, broken records, from 1995 to the present. How this
lines up with numerous ZetaTalk predictions. Why the weatherman has difficulty predicting the weather. Why an Earth wobble
developed and how this affects the weather, including the recent development of jet stream tornadoes. The relationship of global
shuddering that appears on live seismographs to the weather. Where all this is leading during the time remaining between now and the
pole shift, just how bad will it get, and what steps mankind should take to brace for this extreme weather.
Aug 15 - The Choice, Good or Evil. Birth of the soul and what causes it to spark. Soul abortions. Evil as immaturity, focus on the self
with lack of empathy for others. Why all souls are not equal. Key characteristics of those who have learned caring and those who
remain immature and self focused. Examples of both groups behavior. Why there is eventual separation of these groups, and how Hell
and Heaven are the reality of living among ones own kind. How the brutal pecking order is established on the virtual prison colonies of
the self focused. How those practicing the Golden Rule can get along without money. Why polarization of both groups happens as they
begin to separate. And how survival groups, those who have survived the pole shift, can learn to differentiate potential team mates of
good heart from users.
Aug 17 - Season of the Second Sun. History of the rapid approach of Planet X toward the Sun, a gravity plunge stopped only by the
gravity repulsion force. ZetaTalk coordinates on where to view Planet X in the sky as it approached proven astonishingly accurate.
Located early 2001 by three observatories in France, Arizona, and Vancouver, with description of what was discovered and attempts
to block the teams from looking. Located late 2001 to early 2002 again, this time recorded on infrared cameras in Florida, France,
and South Africa, with description of threats and telephone tapping done in South Africa. Located again in late 2002 into early 2003
by a team using amateur Rent-a-Scope equipment, tracked against star charts showing this to be a new, moving, object. Naked eye
sightings by Spring of 2003 and then, the Season of the Second Sun!
Aug 22 - Safe Locations. Description of the hour of the pole shift. What locations are affected by rampaging water, which will assault
coastlines, bore up ravines, flow for hundreds of miles inland over flat land, overflow river banks to turn the land into a moving wall
of water, or clash with water trying to drain from the rivers. The problems facing survival in some large coastal cities. Sudden climate
change near the new poles, and sudden warmth near the old, and how this affects survival. What crustal plates will be turned into
gravel when the larger plates start slamming into each other. What to expect where mountain building will occurs, and which
mountain areas will be exempt. Where new land will pop up from below the waves, and what land masses will be plunged under the
waves. And finally, all the many areas that will not be devastated but can be considered relatively safe for surviving the pole shift.
- Signs of the Times #1486
- Astronauts Prepare to Undock, Return Home [Aug 5] http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050805/ NASA cleared Discovery to return to
Earth next week, concluding Thursday that there was no need to send the astronauts out on another spacewalk to repair a torn
thermal blanket near a cockpit window. NASA had been considering sending the astronauts out to snip away part of the blanket for
fear a 13-inch section weighing just under an ounce could tear away during the latter stages of descent and strike the shuttle, perhaps
causing grave danger. The astronauts had to step outside to repair the shuttle's thermal protection and reduce the risk of another
Columbia-type tragedy during the trip home, when the spacecraft passes through the blowtorch heat of re-entry. [and from another
source] Why then, if the Columbia was torn from the sky as it returned with fresh information on the position and trajectory of Planet
X, was the Discovery allowed to return? During the two and a half years that the Shuttle was out of operation, NASA returned to
transmitting information from the ISS, risking this information being captured and decoded by other countries or by members of the
public. The information was NOT returned via the Russian ferry system, something the arrogant Bush administration could not stoop
to, as they consider THEMSELVES the holder of the secrets, the source of information, and thus, in their minds, they consider
themselves to be invaluable and irreplaceable in the Puppet Masters eyes. Sorry, Bush, the Puppet Master is not fooled, and has long
been displeased with your performance and concluded the assets he has that are within US territories would be better off without you.
The latest shuttle disasters are only a reminder. [Note: new ZetaTalk: Shuttle Discovery.]