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Lou Gentile Show
written during Sep 9, 2003 show

ZetaTalk: Rotting Bodies
Primarily, the large die-off will be in places which are pleasant living now, coastal cities, or river basin cities. These cities grew up where commerce was available, and the heavy die-off will be there. Since the waters rise, it will become fish food. In other areas, cities high in the hills, obviously, this will be a reeking mess. Nature takes care of this, in short order, within months, through bacteria and bugs. If you really want to know how to deal with it, get some chickens that eat the bugs and send them out there to fill up, and then you can eat the eggs. Just stay downwind of the stench. This is not exactly socially proper advice, because people want to bury their dead. Most of the dead will be under buildings or trapped under water somewhere. You have to do a mindset to think of the survivors. Think of the living who are feeling pain. Your obligation to the dead is only a ritual you can put aside.
ZetaTalk: Rescue Demands
We are not permitted to interfere with what goes on Earth. This is your schoolhouse. Tornadoes, hurricanes, cancer, irrational and demanding bosses, a poor marriage, a child slowly dying of a fatal disease. These are things that are in your life today, and we are not zipping in to fix it. The reason for this is a plan, not ours but a higher plan, we might even say this is God’s plan because we have found this to be throughout the Universe. Young souls are put on Earth where it is a spiritual learning house where they have many opportunities to help others or turn their back on others. Your first step in your spiritual growth is to decide what side of that coin you fall on. Almost all chose to help others and become empathetic, a rare few grow in the other direction. These are separated at a certain point, after the Kindergarten phase and sent off to what Nancy refers to as the Reform School where they will not bully or be sadistic or intimidate you any longer but must do this to each other, a fitting hell, a true karma. So we are not allowed, or we would be sent packing, to interfere with your school house.

The approach of Planet X is a natural occurrence as are tornadoes, and is something that those who administer this part of the Universe have decided is a natural occurrence, consider it that, and thus it passes, as it has in the past, and is something that is considered an opportunity for you. How are you, then, helping your fellow man during this time of calamity? How will you rise to this occasion? What steps are you taking now? How will you respond when those around you are distraught with grief, injured, children orphaned or abandoned? How will you react? This is an opportunity for you to make gigantic spiritual steps or to run away and move in the wrong direction. So, consider it that, rise to the occasion, and find that your life can become far more satisfying if you make the right choices.
ZetaTalk: Survivor Allegiance
Decisions will have to be made. In an ideal situation everyone is good hearted, everyone is reasonable, they all share. This is the optimal situation. But in reality, life will not be that dissimilar from today, when decisions are made. Families say they are kicking a family member out of the house, for various reasons, or someone is fired from a job or no longer allowed in an association. This will be no different. People will make their decisions, for good reasons or for bad. Lets say they are for good reasons, lets say there is somebody who threatens the survival of the entire group, they have an unreasonable attitude, they don’t want to work, they don’t want to assist, they want a larger share, they create arguments, being selfish. The decision is made that if the group is to survive, because perhaps it has come to that, this person must be ejected.

In this matter, think more of those you are protecting, the little children in the group, those who roll up their sleeves and are willing to do whatever is required. They deserve equal time, so to speak, and consideration with this person who is threatening the group. In some cases, you will have to move, you will have to pick up and leave, even in the dead of night, with your dependents, to get away from a situation that is overwhelmingly bad. Think less of your sense of responsibility to those who are trouble makers, or thinking of themselves and trying to get their larger share, or dictate to or dominate the group. Think less of your obligation to them and more of your obligation to those who deserve your time and attention in these matters. This would be our advice on those ethical dilemmas.
ZetaTalk: Power Source
Our power is nothing that mankind is familiar with. Obviously, if we are aware of some 387 electron particles, besides the one that you are aware of, we are aware of many more subatomic particles than you are, chemical reactions, and what you would call nuclear reactions. We are able to secure the material we need wherever we go. The power that we use is under your feet, but you do not know how to utilize this. Therefore it is a type of nuclear reaction, not one that causes destruction or that escapes from us, and we can renew our power source as we go puttering about in the Universe.